Surprise With A Shock - Chapter 5

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"It won't hurt just to admit that mine is cooler than yours." Jason said with a smirk.
"Jason I'll admit whiles yours is cool mine is way cooler." Percy said.
They two sons of the elder gods had arrived on Olympus, Percy by teleporting using mist and Jason using lightning.
"So what are you gonna call yours?" Percy asked Jason as they walked to the Throne room.
"Simple, lightning travel. What about yours?" Jason asked.
"I don't know maybe something along the lines of Mist/Vapour Travel." Percy said. "Oh man Nico is soo gonna be jealous."
"Can't he shadow travel?" Jason asked.
"He can but he needs shadows to do it." Percy said grinning.
"The gods will probably transport the demigods with them to the throne room. You know, to keep their egos intact." Percy said.
Jason nodded.
"That's why I think we should do a dramatic entrance." Percy said grinning.
"But that will piss them off" Jason said confused.
"Exactly." Percy said.
Jason raised an eyebrow at Percy and sighed. "Ok what's the plan."
Percy grinned. "Ok first....

In the Throne Room.

"Can't we just start without them?" Ares whined for the 7th time.
Zeus sighed exasperated."You know we can't but my question is where are they?"

"Right here." A voice said from all around them.

Water droplet started coming out of thin air and began to form a whirlpool in the middle of the Throne Room.
All of a sudden, a lightning bolt struck the middle of the whirlpool sending dust and smoke everywhere.
When the smoke cleared, standing where the whirlpool was supposed to be was Jason and Percy.

"Beat that Zeus." Percy yelled.
Dan feared Zeus will smite Percy.
But Zeus who had gotten used to Percy's behaviour just sighed.
Then they all heard a loud groan. All eyes moved to Nico. "Since when could you teleport?" The son of Hades asked.
"Couple of weeks". Jason answered smiling at his achievement.

"Anyway to the real reason we are here." Zeus said before more questions could be asked.
"We are here to award you heroes for you part in this war. We wouldn't have won without you. Everyone will be awarded."
Everyone cheered and started to thank the gods which made the gods ego increase.

"Now the seven, Nico and Reyna please step forward with the exception of Perseus." Zeus bellowed. "We have decided to grant you godhood as well as two wishes each."
"Wait why isn't Percy part o-" Annabeth began but was cut off by a roar.

Suddenly the throne room doors burst open and in came a boy with a girl behind them was a metallic bronze dragon.

"You guys seriously didn't give the Mcshizzle an invite to this party?" The boy said with a grin. He waited for a reaction of some sort but everyone was staring at him with shock.
"Honey, I think you broke them." The girl said with a melodious voice.

"How dare you come out of your Island Titaness? I will send you back right now." Zeus roared in rage and threw his Master Bolt at her.


Then suddenly they all felt a power spike. Everyone looked at the source and when the smoke cleared they saw Percy with a look of rage completely unharmed.
"Zeus! Try that one more time and I'll sacrifice your head to Tartarus".
"She is a Titaness she must be in her prison." Athena yelled.
With the same terrifying anger-filled voice Percy replied. "The second Titan war, do you'll remember? I made you swear on the Styx to release the peaceful titans. Remember Zeus! I still hold you to your oath."
Zeus gritted his teeth but snapped his fingers.
In a bright flash all the peaceful titans appeared.
The girl from before surged forward and hugged Percy tightly.

"I'm so sorry Percy. I'm sorry for cursing you." She sobbed.
"It's okay. I forgive you Calypso." Percy said rubbing soothing circles on her back.
"It's not in your place to forgive her Percy." Annabeth said glaring at Calypso. "She cursed you to feel what she felt but instead the person the curse landed on was me and I'm in no way going to forgive her."
This made Calypso even sob more.
"Don't say that Annie she was just angry." Percy said softly trying to calm Annabeth down. But it only made her angrier.

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