Planet of the Ood pt 3

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The Doctor used his sonic on a gate with wire meshing fencing. "Ood shift eight now commencing. Repeat. Ood shift eight now commencing." a man said. We watched as the Ood marched through in double file from an upper catwalk. I saw one in the back fall. I had an urge to go over and help it up, but the Doctor grabbed my hand. "Get up. I said get up!" the man cracked his whip. "Servants? They're slaves." Donna said. She had sadness in her eyes. I looked down at the ground. "Get up! March!" the man yelled again. "Last time I met the Ood, I never thought, I never asked." He squeezed my hand. "That's not like you." Donna said looking up at him. He met her gaze. "I was busy. So busy I couldn't save them. I had to let the Ood die." I squeezed his hand back. "I think you owe them one." I said.

We were walking around the warehouse and stopped at a shipping container full of Oods. "Oh, it stinks. How many of them do you think there are in each one?" Donna said holding her nose. "Hundreds? More?" The Doctor responded. Donna was flabbergasted. " A great big empire built on slavery." she said. "It's not so different from your time." the Doctor muttered. "Oi! I haven't got slaves!" she said offended. "Well, who do you think make our clothes?" I asked. I knew the truth and it hurt. "Is that why you travel round with humans at your side? It's not so you can show them the wonders of the universe, it's so you can take cheap shots?" She seemed hurt at both of us. She turned back to the container. "Sorry." he said. "Don't, Spaceman." she said to the Doctor. Her focus, however, was on the Oods who sat in the container. "I don't understand, the door is open, why don't you just run away?"

"For what reason?" the Oods responded. "You could be free." she said. "I do not understand the concept." Donna grew curious of the reason behind the translator ball. "What is it with that Persil ball? I mean, they're not born with it, are they? Why do they have to be all plugged in?" The Doctor stepped up beside Donna. "Ood tell me, does the circle mean anything to you?" All the Oods responded, "The circle must be broken." I chuckled nervously. "That's kinda creepy." Donna stepped back to where I was. "But what is it? What is the circle?" the Doctor asked. The Oods responded again. "The circle must be broken." Donna stepped closer to me. "Why?" The Doctor needed answers. "So that we can sing" they all said. Suddenly, an alarm went off.

"Oh, that's us. Come on!" He exclaimed. We began running.  I ran ahead and found a door. "Doctor, Donna, there's a door, over here!" I yelled, but as I turned back to the door, guards were waiting. "Don't move!" They yelled at me. "Where've you gone Juno?" I heard the Doctor yell further back. "Just my luck." I rolled my eyes. "Stay where you are." The guards ordered. They backed me into a shipping container. "Keep her in there." one of them said. "Get off of me! Let go!" I yelled as they pushed me in. They locked the door before I could get back up. I looked behind me and saw a group of Oods.

meanwhile with the doctor and donna...

"Juno? Where are you?" The Doctor yelled. He grew more and more worried the longer he searched. "Where the hell did she go?" Donna asked. "Donna watch out!" The Doctor yelled seeing a claw from above move his direction. Donna backed up into the arms of guards. "Doctor!" she yelled as the Doctor was chased by the claw. The Doctor eventually got knocked down by the claw, but as it was about to crush him, the claw stopped midway. The Doctor was collected by the guards who held Donna.

back inside the shipping container...

"Oh... Hello." I said nervously. I backed up against the locked door. "Doctor?" I yelled. The Oods eyes were red. "Oh, please don't kill me. Doctor?! Doctor get me out of here!" I yelled beginning to bang on the door. I heard footsteps coming close. "Doctor! Donna! Someone get me out!" I banged on the door as hard as I could as the Ood slowly inched towards me. "If you don't do what she says, you're really in trouble. Not from me, from her." I heard the Doctor say. "Yeah that's right get her out!" Donna yelled.

The guards unlocked the container and I ran out. "Doctor." I ran up to him. He hugged me. "There we go, safe and sound." I could hear his two hearts beat. "The Ood Doctor." I looked up at him. One of the Oods killed the guard who opened the container. "Red alert! Fire!" one of the guards yelled. More Oods came out of other containers. "Shoot to kill." the man added. The guards started to fire their guns. We all ran out behind Solana, the lady from earlier.


   "Change of plan." Halpen said. "There are no reports of trouble off-world, sir. It's still contained to the Ood Sphere." Ryder told Halpen. "Then we've got a public duty to stop it before it spreads." Halpen said eerily. The Doctor looked at him. "What's happening?" Halpen looked back at the Doctor. "Everything you wanted, Doctor. No doubt there'll be a full police investigation once this place has been sterilised, so I can't risk a bullet to the head. I'll leave you to the mercies of the Ood." The Doctor grabbed my hand. "But Mister Halpen, there's something else, isn't there? Something we haven't seen." Donna looked at the Doctor curiously. "What do you mean?"

  "A creature couldn't survive with a separate forebrain and hind brain, they'd be at war with themselves. There's got to be something else, a third element, am I right?" Halpen chuckled. "And again, so clever." I looked up at the Doctor. "But it's got to be connected to the red eye, right? What is it?" I asked. "Oh, Juno. It won't exist for very much longer. Enjoy your Ood." Halpen and Ryder left us in the room handcuffed. "Come on." The Doctor rolled his eyes.

   "Well, do something! You're the one with all the tricks. You must have met Houdini!" she exclaimed. "These are really good handcuffs." I said. "Oh well, I'm glad of that. I mean, at least we've got quality." she said sarcastically. The doors opened, three Oods entered the room. "Doctor, Donna, Juno, friends." I said. "The circle must be broken." Donna said. We repeated this a few times until the Oods repeated back, "Doctor, Donna, Juno, friends."

   "Yes! That's us. Friends. Oh, yes." the Doctor said.

  "I don't know where it is. I don't know where they've gone." The Doctor said as we ran around the factory complex. "What are we looking for?" Donna asked. "It might be underground, like some sort of cave, or a cavern, or-" the Doctor was interrupted by an explosion. It knocked us off our feet. I groaned. "All right?" he asked us. Donna got up on her feet while I just laid on the ground. "I think i'll just stay here for a while." I said.

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