The Doctor's Daughter pt. 3

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  Jenny had walked to the bars. "Hey." she said catching Clines attention "I'm not supposed to talk to you. I'm on duty." he said walking over. "I know. Guarding me. So, does that mean I'm dangerous, or that I need protecting?" she said in a flirtatious tone. "Protecting from what?" Cline said inching towards the bars. "Oh, I don't know. Men like you?" Jenny kissed Cline through the bars whilst taking his pistol.
"Keep quiet and open the door." Jenny ordered. "I'd like to see you try that." I nudged the Doctors shoulder.

    We made it to a set of stairs. I looked down and saw a guard on the lower flight. "That's the way out." I said. Jenny raised the pistol she took from Cline. "Don't you dare." he pointed his index finger at her. "Let me distract this one. I have picked up a few womanly wiles over the years." Donna said with a smirk. "Let's save your wiles for later. In case of emergency." the Doctor coughed awkwardly. The Doctor rummaged through his coat pockets, and a few moments later a clockwork mouse came to a halt behind the guard. He picked it up and Jenny karate chopped him from behind. "I was going to distract him, not clobber him." he said with a pout. "Well, it worked, didn't it?" she replied. He took the map from the knocked out guard. "They must all have a copy of that new map." he looked back at Jenny. "Just stay there. Don't hurt anyone."

  "Wait. This is it. The hidden tunnel. There must be a control panel." he pointed at a spot on the map. Donna however, had her attention on another one of the plaques. "It's another one of those numbers. They're everywhere." she pointed up at it. "The original builders must have left them. Some old cataloguing system." he looked up briefly. "You got a pen? Bit of paper?" she asked. "These numbers are counting down. This one ends in one four. The prison cell said one six, right?" I said looking at Donna. She had a pen and paper in hand. "Always thinking, you three. Who are you people?" Jenny asked the Doctor. "I told you. I'm the Doctor." Jenny squinted her eyes. "The Doctor. That's it?" Donna looked up at her. "That's all he ever says."

  Jenny turned her attention back to the Doctor. "So, you don't have a name either? Are you an anomaly, too?" she sat on one of the boxes beside us. "No." he simply answered trying to get into the control panel. "Oh, come off it. You're the most anomalous bloke I've ever met." Donna said. With that, the Doctor got into the control panel. "Here it is." Jenny looked over to me. "And Time Lords. What are they for, exactly?" I tilted my head. "For? They're not, they're not for anything." I responded. "So what do you do?" she turned back to the Doctor. "I travel through time and space." he replied. "He saves planets, rescues civilisations, defeats terrible creatures," Donna began. "And runs a lot. Seriously, there's an outrageous amount of running involved." I finished. A door opened behind us. "Got it!" the Doctor exclaimed. "Squad five, with me." I heard Cobbs yell. "Now, what were you saying about running?" the Doctor turned to me and took my hand.

  We stopped running just before the array of laser beams criss-crossing the passage. "That's not mood lighting, is it?" Donna said. The Doctor tossed the clockwork mouse from earlier into the lasers. The mouse got disintegrated. "No, I didn't think so." I answered her question. "Arming device." the Doctor began to work on a blue box nearby. "There's more of these. Always eight numbers, counting down the closer we get." I said looking up to the plaques. Donna wrote it down. "Right, here we go." he said. "You'd better be quick." Donna warned.

"The General." Jenny informed us beginning to walk away. "Where are you going?" the Doctor said making her turn around. "I can hold them up." she said. "No, we don't need any more dead." he said with a mad parent voice. "But it's them or us." she pointed out. "It doesn't mean you have to kill them." the Doctor argued. "I'm trying to save your life." she said. "Listen to me. The killing. After a while, it infects you. And once it does, you're never rid of it." he said with pain in his eyes. "We don't have a choice." Jenny said with a sad smile. "We always have a choice." he said. "I'm sorry." she ran around the corner. "Jenny." he whispered

  We could hear gunfire. "I told you. Nothing but a soldier." he sighed. "She's trying to help" Donna reasoned. I fiddled with my necklace. "Jenny, come on." the Doctor yelled. "I'm coming." we heard her say. A distant, "Cease fire." echoed as the lasers turned off. "That's it!" Donna exclaimed. "Jenny, leave it! Let's go." he said as we ran down the corridor. "You're a child of the machine. You're on my side. Join us. Join us in the war against the Hath. It's in your blood, girl. Don't deny it." I heard Cobbs say. I heard another shot before Jenny ran back to the start of the corridor. "Jenny, come on. That's it." the Doctor said.

  "Hurry up." Donna yelled. The lasers reappeared. "No, no, no, no, no, no! The circuit's looped back." he went over to the box on the side we were on. "Zap it back again." Donna said. "The controls are back there." he said worried.  Jenny looked back. "They're coming." I looked at the Doctor. He looked antsy. "Wait. Just. There isn't. Jenny, I can't-" Jenny smiled. "I'll have to manage on my own. Watch and learn, Father." Jenny threw away her weapon and somersaulted her way through the laser beams. My eyes widened. "No way. But that was impossible." Donna's jaw dropped. "Not impossible. Just a bit unlikely." he said with a smile. He gave Jenny a hug when she made her way through. "Brilliant! You were brilliant. Brilliant." He released her from the hug. "I didn't kill him. General Cobb, I could have kill him but I didn't. You were right. I had a choice." We turned our attention to Cobb and the soldiers who were at the other side of the lasers. Me, Donna, and Jenny ran off assuming the Doctor was right behind us. We heard a hail of bullets ring out making me turn around. "Doctor." I whispered as I saw him run towards us.

  "So, you travel together, but you're not together?" she asked me. We had been walking down a corridor.  I heard Donna laugh. "What? No. No. No, no, we're friends, that's all. I mean, we're not even the same species. There's probably laws against it or something." I said nervously laughing afterwards. "And what's it like, the travelling?" she questioned Donna. "Oh, never a dull moment. It can be terrifying, brilliant and funny, sometimes all at the same time. We've  seen some amazing things though. Whole new worlds." Donna smiled. "Oh, I'd love to see new worlds." Jenny smiled back. "You will. Won't she, Doctor?" Donna asked the Doctor who was focused on something else. "Hmm?" he hummed. "Do you think Jenny will see any new worlds?" Donna asked again.

   "I suppose so." he said not looking back. "You mean. You mean you'll take me with you?" I saw Jenny's eyes light up. "Well, we can't leave you here, can we?" he turned back. Jenny ran up to him and hugged him. "Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you." she left the hug and ran forward. "Come on, let's get a move on." she said. "Careful, there might be traps." I yelled up to her. "Kids. They never listen." Donna said with a laugh. She looked back at the Doctor. "Oh, I know that look. I see it a lot round our way. Blokes with pushchairs and frowns. You've got dad-shock." she laughed. "Dad-shock?" I looked up. "Sudden unexpected fatherhood. Take a bit of getting used to." she chuckled. "No, it's not that." his gaze kept looking forward. "Well, what is it then? Having Jenny in the Tardis, is that it? What's she going to do, cramp your style? Like you've got a sports car and she's going to turn it into a people-carrier?" Donna said trying to get an answer out of him.

  "Donna, I've been a father before." he looked to her. "What?" she said shocked. "I lost all that a long time ago, along with everything else." he looked away. "I'm sorry. I didn't know. Why didn't you tell me? You talk all the time, but you don't say anything." I leaned up against the corridor wall. "I know. I'm just... When I look at her now, I can see them. The hole they left, all the pain that filled it. I just don't know if I can face that every day." he admitted. "It won't stay like that. She'll help you. We all will." she looked over to me. "But when they died, that part of me died with them. It'll never come back. Not now."

"I tell you something, Doctor. Something I've never told you before. I think you're wrong." Gunfire echoed through the corridor. Jenny ran back to us. "They've blasted through the beams. Time to run again. Love the running. Yeah?" she looked at me and then to the Doctor. "Love the running." he smiled.

  "We're trapped." Donna said. "Can't be. This must be the Temple. This is a door." the Doctor replied. Me and Donna were looking up at the plaque. "And again. We're down to one two now." I said. "I've got it!" the Doctor exclaimed almost through the door. We could hear their footsteps. "I can hear them." Jenny said farther down the corridor. "Nearly done." the Doctor shouted. "These can't be a cataloguing system." Donna said to me. "They're getting closer." she said turning back to us. "Then get back here." he yelled. "They're too similar. Too familiar." I pondered with Donna. "Not yet." I heard Jenny day before the Doctor exclaimed, "Now! Got it." We ran into the room.

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