Amy's Choice

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"Come on, Juno. We've got some friends to catch up with." the Doctor said, walking away from the console. "I thought we were going-" I began, tying my shoelace. "Just a pit-stop. No worries."

Me and the Doctor stepped out of the tardis. The Doctor helped me step over the rockery after he maneuvered through it himself. "Rory!" I exclaimed. "Juno! Doctor." Rory frowned. The Doctor looked back, "I've crushed your flowers." the Doctor said. "Oh, Amy will kill you." Rory sighed.

"Where is she?" I asked. "She'll... need a bit longer." Rory gave a nervous chuckle. "Whenever you're ready, Amy." I called out. Shortly after, a pregnant Amy waddled out. "Oh my gosh!" I exclaimed running over to her. "Oh, way-hey! You've swallowed a planet." the Doctors eyes widened.

"I'm pregnant!" Amy said. "You're huge!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah, I'm pregnant."

"Look at you. When worlds collide." the Doctor smiled. "Doctor, Juno, I'm pregnant."

"Oh, look at you both. Five years later and you haven't changed a bit- apart from age and size." the Doctor took Amy's hands. "Oh, it's good to see you, Doctor." she grinned. "Are you pregnant?"

"Ah, Leadworth. Vibrant as ever." I said sarcastically. "It's Upper Leadworth, actually. We've gone slightly upmarket." Rory corrected. "Where is everyone?" the Doctor asked. "This is busy." Amy motioned around us. "Okay, it's quiet, but it's really restful and healthy. Loads of people here live well into their nineties." I looked at a house, an old lady stared at me through the window before shutting the curtains. "Well, don't let that get you down." the Doctor nudged Amy. "It's not getting me down." Amy shrugged.

"Well, We wanted to see how you were. You know us, We don't just abandon people when they leave the tardis. We Time Lord's are for life. You don't get rid of your old pals Juno and the Doctor so easily." the Doctor smiled. "Hmm. You came here by mistake, didn't you?" Amy raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, bit of a mistake. But look, what a result." he said, walking over to a bench. "Look at this bench. What a nice bench. What will they think of next?" he looked up at Amy. "So. What do you do around here to stave off the, you know..."

"Boredom?" Amy questioned. "We relax." Rory replied. "Relax." the Doctor said in a whisper. "We live. We listen to the birds." Rory nodded. "Yeah, see? Birds. Those are nice." The birds chirped. "We didn't get time to listen to birdsong back in the tardis days, did we?" The birds became very loud. "I'm going to sit down for a bit..." I rubbed my head as I sat down beside the Doctor. "Oh blimey, my head's a bit. Ooo. Er, no, you're right, there wasn't a lot of time for birdsong back in the good old-" We fell asleep.

We all woke up, Amy and Rory in the chair near the console and the Doctor and me on the console floor. "days. What? No, yes, sorry, what?" he looked up at Amy and Rory. "Oh, you're okay." he turned back to me, "Oh, thank God. I had a terrible nightmare about you three." he hugged me. "That was scary. Don't ask. You don't want to know. You're safe now." the Doctor let me go and went over to hug Amy. "Oh, okay." Amy said, muffled in the Doctor's shoulder.

"That's what counts." he let go of Amy. "Blimey. Never dropped off like that before. Well, never, really. I'm getting on a bit, you see. Don't let the cool gear fool you." he turned towards the console. "Now, what's wrong with the console? Red flashing lights. I bet they mean something." he shrugged. "Er, Doctor, I also had a kind of dream thing." Rory spoke up. "Yeah, so did I." Amy said. "You did too?" I questioned. "Not a nightmare, though, just, er, we were married."

"Yeah. In a little village."

"A sweet little village, and you were pregnant."

"Yes, I was huge! I was a boat."

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