Vincent and the Doctor

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A/N: Hi so I decided to skip The Hungry Earth and Cold Blood because I didn't have many ideas for those episodes, BUT I want to thank you all for 950+ reads! It means a lot to me and I hope you guys have been enjoying my heavily un-edited fanfic lol. Anyways... I'll leave you to it! :)

"So this is one of the last paintings Van Gogh ever painted. Those final months of his life were probably the most astonishing artistic outpouring in history. It was like Shakespeare knocking off Othello, Macbeth and King Lear over the summer hols. And especially astonishing because Van Gogh did it with no hope of praise or reward. He is now-" a man was explaining. "Thanks for bringing me." Amy smiled at me and the Doctor. "You're welcome." I smiled back. "You're being so nice to me. Why are you two being so nice to me?" she questioned. "We're always nice to you." the Doctor replied. "Not like this. These places you're taking me. Arcadia, the Trojan Gardens, now this. I think it's suspicious."

"What? It's not. There's nothing to be suspicious about." the Doctor coughed. "Okay, I was joking. Why aren't you?" Amy asked. "Each of these pictures now is worth tens of millions of pounds, yet in his lifetime he was a commercial disaster. Sold only one painting, and that to the sister of a friend. We have here possibly the greatest artist of all time, but when he died you could sold his entire body of work and got about enough money to buy a sofa and a couple of chairs. If you follow me now..." the tour guid said. "Who is it?" a child asked. "It's the doctor." The Doctor and me turned to the children. They were looking at a portrait of Doctor Gachet.

"He was the doctor who took care of Van Gogh when he started to go mad." one of the children explained. "I knew that." another one muttered. "Look. There it is. The actual one." Amy held her brochure next to the painting of the Church of Auvers. "Yes. You can almost feel his hand painting it right in front of you, carving the colours into shapes." the Doctor smiled. "Wait a minute." I said. "What?" Amy questioned. "Well, just look at that." I pointed at a dragon-like figure in the window of the painting. "What?" the Doctor squinted "Oh." the Doctor realized. "Something very not good indeed."

"What thing very not good?" Amy questioned. "Look there, in the window of the church." the Doctor said. "Is it a face?" Amy asked. "Yes. And not a nice face at all. I know evil when I see it and I see it in that window."

I walked over to the tour guide, "It has changed hands for something in the region of twenty-" I interrupted, "Excuse me. If I can just interrupt for one second." The Doctor was behind me. "Sorry, everyone. Routine inspection, Ministry of Art and Artiness." he held up the psychic paper. "So, er..."

"Doctor Black."

"Yes, that's right. Do you know when that picture of the church was painted?" I questioned. "Ah, well, ah, well, what an interesting question. Most people imagine..." he was about to go on, "I'm going to have to hurry you. When was it?" I quizzed. "Exactly?" he asked. "As exactly as you can. Without a long speech, if possible. We're in a hurry." I said. "Well, in that case, probably somewhere between the first and third of June." he replied. "What year?" I asked. "1890. Less than a year before, before he killed himself." he answered. "Thank you, sir. Very helpful indeed." I smiled. "Nice bow-tie. Bow-ties are cool." the Doctor complimented. "Yours is very..."

"Oh, thank you. Keep telling them stuff. We need to go." the Doctor turned me around. "What about the other pictures?" Amy asked. "Art can wait. This is life and death. We need to talk to Vincent Van Gogh."

The tardis materialized in a narrow alley. "Right, so, here's the plan. We find Vincent and he leads us straight to the church and our nasty friend." the Doctor said. "Easy peasy. "

"Well, no. I suspect nothing will be easy with Mister Van Gogh. Now, he'll probably be in the local cafe. Sort of orangey light, chairs and tables outside." the Doctor explained. Amy looked in her brochure. "Like this?" she pointed to a cafe. "That's the one." I said. "Or indeed like that."

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