Victory of the Daleks pt. 3

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"Begin countdown of Oblivion Continuum. Choose, Doctor. Choose. Choose." the screen turned off. "We can't risk it." I said. The Doctor turned to the monitor, "The Doctor to Danny Boy. The Doctor to Danny Boy. Withdraw." he lowered his head. "Say again, sir. Over." the pilot said. "Withdraw. Return to Earth. Over and out." he stepped away from the console. "But sir." the pilot protested. "There's no time. You have to return to Earth now. Over." I turned off the monitor. "I could've killed them." the Doctor muttered from the pilots seat. "They could've killed Earth." I said. "I was so close." he looked up at me, anger and sadness in his eyes. "Next time, Doctor. Next time." I walked over to the other side of the console. "May I?" I asked him, my hand hovering over a lever. "You remember how to fly?" he asked. "Well, yeah." He nodded, "Go on then." I flipped the lever, the tardis began to dematerialize off the Dalek ship. I walked over to the other side of the console, pressing a red button and a yellow one. The tardis materialized.

The Doctor walked over to me and kissed me on the forehead. "Brilliant." he whispered before running out of the tardis. I grinned to myself before running out behind him. When I finally caught up to him, he was holding his hand, Bracewell was on the ground, rubbing his cheek. "Doctor!" Amy yelled. "Ow. Sorry, Professor, you're a bomb. An inconceivably massive Dalek bomb." the Doctor explained. Bracewell's eyes widened. "What?" he questioned. "There's an Oblivion Continuum inside you. A captured wormhole that provides perpetual power. Detonate that, and the Earth will bleed through into another dimension." I explained. The Doctor looked at me with a proud smile on his face. He turned to Bracewell and crouched down. "Now keep down." The Doctor used his sonic to open up Bracewell's torso.

One of the five blue segments of a circle on Bracewell's torso turned yellow. "Well?" Amy asked, her arms crossed. "I don't know, I don't know, I don't know. Never seen one up close before." the Doctor muttered. "So what, they've wired him up to detonate?" Amy questioned. "Oh no, not wired him up. He is a bomb. Walking, talking, pow, exploding, the moment that flashes red." the Doctor looked up at Amy, then turned his attention back to Bracewell. "There's a blue wire or something you have to cut, isn't there? There's always a blue wire. Or a red one." Amy turned to me. I shrugged. "You're not helping." the Doctor said.

"It's incredible. He talked to us about his memories. The Great War." Churchill pointed out. "Someone else's stolen thoughts, implanted in a positronic brain." the Doctor said. Something clicked in my brain. "Tell me about it. Bracewell. Tell me about your life." I asked. "Miss, I really don't think this is the time." Bracewell told me, looking up at me as the Doctor sat up. "Tell me, and prove you're human. Tell me everything." I sat next to Bracewell. "My family ran the Post Office. It's a little place just near the abbey, just by the ash trees. There used to be eight trees but there was a storm." Bracewell frowned. "And your parents? Come on, tell me." I pushed. Bracewell smiled, "Good people. Kind people. They died. Scarlet fever." his frown returned.

"What was that like? How did it feel? How did it make you feel, Edwin? Tell me. Tell me now." the Doctor said. "It hurt. It hurt, Doctor, it hurt so badly. It was like a wound. I though it was worse than a wound. Like I'd been emptied out. There was nothing left." Bracewell explained. "Good. Remember it now, Edwin. The ash trees by the Post Office and your mum and dad, and losing them, and men in the trenches you saw die. Remember it. Feel it. You feel it because you're human. You're not like them. You're not like the Daleks." the said. "It hurts, Doctor. It hurts so much." a tear rolled down his cheek. "Good. Good, good, brilliant. Embrace it. That means you're alive. They cannot explode that bomb because you're a human being. You are flesh and blood. They cannot explode that bomb. Believe it. You are Professor Edwin Bracewell, and you, my friend, are a human being."

His chest now had four red and one yellow. "It's not working. I can't stop it." the Doctor stepped back. Amy walked over. "Hey, Paisley. Ever fancied someone you know you shouldn't?" she gave a grin. "What?" Bracewell turned to her. "It hurts, doesn't it? But kind of a good hurt." she said. "I really shouldn't talk about her." he turned, embarrassed. I smiled. "Oh. There's a her." The yellow turned back to blue. "What was her name?" the Doctor asked. "Dorabella." Bracewell smiled. "Dorabella? What a lovely name. It's a beautiful name." I leaned on the Doctor. "What was she like, Edwin?" Amy asked. "Oh, such a smile. And her eyes. Her eyes were so blue. Almost violet, like the last touch of sunset on the edge of the world. Dorabella." All the segments returned to blue. "Welcome to the human race." I said. The Doctor pointed to Churchill, "You're brilliant." He pointed to Bracewell, "You're brilliant." He pointed to Amy, and pulled me close, "You two," Amy came to us, he pulled us into a hug. "Brilliant."

"Now. Got to stop them. Stop the Daleks." the Doctor began to run to the door, "Wait, Doctor. Wait, wait. It's too late. Gone. They've gone." Bracewell said. "No. No! They can't. They can't have got away from me again." he yelled. "No, I can feel it. My mind is clear. The Daleks have gone." Amy walked over to the Doctor, "Doctor, it's okay. You did it. You stopped the bomb. Juno?" she turned to me. "He had a choice." I said. "And they knew I'd choose the Earth. The Daleks have won. They beat me. They've won." the Doctor stood, dumbfounded. "But you saved the Earth. Not too shabby, is it?" Amy nudged his shoulder. He let go of his frown, replacing it with a grin. "No, it's not too shabby."

"It's a brilliant achievement, my dear friend. Here, have a cigar." Churchill held out a cigar to me. "No." I scrunched up my face. Churchill frowned as I walked to the Doctors side.

Me and the Doctor had been fixing up what Bracewell had done when we heard Churchill ask, "Where's the Doctor?" The Doctor looked up, "Tying up loose ends. I've taken out all the alien tech Bracewell put in." he said. Churchill walked in, Amy was behind him. "Won't you reconsider, Doctor? Those Spitfires would win me the war in twenty hours." Churchill took a puff of his cigar. "Exactly." I stood up. "But why not? Why can't we put an end to all this misery?" Churchill questioned. "Oh, it doesn't work like that, Winston, and it's going to be tough. There are terrible days to come. The darkest days. But you can do it. You know you can." I said. "Stay with us, and help us win through. The world needs you two." Churchill pleaded.

"The world doesn't need us." The Doctor looked up. "No?" Churchill questioned. "The world's got Winston Spencer Churchill." the Doctor smiled, shaking Churchill's hand. "It's been a pleasure, Doctor, as always." Churchill returned the smile. "Too right." Churchill walked over to me, shaking my hand. "It's been a pleasure, Miss Juno." he said. "Quite right." I smiled. "Goodbye, Doctor." Churchill stepped back. "Oh, shall we say adieu?" the Doctor asked. Churchill and the Doctor embraced. "Indeed. Goodbye, Miss Pond." Churchill said. "It's, it's been amazing, meeting you." Amy replied. "I'm sure it has."

Amy kissed Churchill on the cheek, and he walked away. "Oi, Churchill. Tardis key. The one you just took from the Doctor." Churchill turned. "Oh, she's good, Doctor. As sharp as a pin. Almost as sharp as me." Churchill returned the key to Amy. "K B O." Churchill said, walking away. Amy gave the key to the Doctor. We walked to the lab where Bracewell was. "I've been expecting you, Doctor. I knew this moment had to come." Bracewell turned in his seat. "Moment?" the Doctor questioned. "It's time to de-activate me." Bracewell said. "Is it? Oh. Er, yeah." he mumbled. "You have no choice. I'm Dalek technology. Can't allow me to go pottering around down here where I have no business." Bracewell told us.

"No, you're dead right, Professor. A hundred percent right. And by the time I get back here in what, ten minutes?" the Doctor turned to me, "More like fifteen." I said. "Fifteen minutes, yeah, that's exactly what I'm going to do. You are going to be so de-activated. It's going be like you've never even been activated." the Doctor nodded. "Yeah." Amy nodded as well. "Fifteen minutes?" Bracewell asked. "More like twenty, if I'm honest. Once the Doctor, Pond and I see to the urgent thing we've got to see to. The, the. See?" I rambled on. "Very well. I shall wait here and prepare myself." Bracewell said. "That Dalek tech a bit slow on the uptake. That thing we've got to do, going to take half an hour, realistically, isn't it, Doctor?" Amy asked. "Easily. So no running off, that's what I'm saying." the Doctor pointed to Bracewell. "Don't go trying to find that little Post Office with the ash trees or that girl. What was her name?" the Doctor questioned, "Dorabella." Bracewell replied.

"Dorabella. On no account go looking for her. Mind you, you can get a lot done in half an hour." I made it obvious I was joking. Bracewell looked up at us with a smile. "Thank you. Thank you, Doctor." he said. The Doctor turned, "Come along, Pond." We left Bracewell.

"So, you two have enemies then?" Amy asked us. "Everyone's got enemies." I said. "Yeah, but mine's the woman outside Budgens with the mental Jack Russell. You've got, like, you know, arch-enemies." The Doctor shrugged, "Suppose so." Amy sighed, "And here's me thinking we'd just be running through time, being daft and fixing stuff. But no, it's dangerous." she said. "Yep. Very. Is that a problem?" the Doctor turned. "I'm still here, aren't I?" she paused, "You're worried about the Daleks." The Doctor turned around. "I'm always worried about the Daleks." he said. "It'll take time though, won't it? I mean, there's still not many of them. They'll need a while to build themselves up." Amy reassured. "It's not that. There's something else. Something we've forgotten. Or rather you have." I said. "Me?" Amy asked. "You didn't know them, Amy. You'd never seen them before. And you should have done. You should." The Doctor unlocked the tardis, we walked inside.

"I'm driving!" I exclaimed running to the console. "She can drive the tardis?" Amy asked. The Doctor laughed. "Well of course she can. She's a time lord."

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