The Pandorica Opens pt. 2

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"Sir, they're coming round." a voice said. I sat up slowly, "Amy? Where's Amy?" I asked frantically. The Doctor walked over to Amy. "She's fine, Juno. Just unconscious." a familiar voice answered. "Okay. Yes, she's sedated, that's all. Half an hour, she'll be fine. Okay, Romans. Good. I was just wishing for Romans. Good old River. How many?" the Doctor asked. "Fifty men up top, volunteers. What about that thing?" Rory pointed to the cyberarm. "Only fifty? You're not exactly a legion." I scoffed.

"Your friend was very persuasive, but it's a tough sell." Rory said. "Yes, I know that, Rory. I'm not exactly one to miss the obvious. But we need everything we can get." the Doctor turned to me, "Okay, Cyberweapons. This is basically a sentry box, so headless wonder here was a sentry. Probably got himself duffed up by the locals. Never underestimate a Celt." he said. "Doctor?" Rory called. The Doctor turned to Rory, "Hush, Rory. Thinking." the Doctor turned back around. "Why would one leave a Cyberman on guard, unless it's some sort of Cyberthing in the box." I theorized. "But why would they lock up one of their own? Okay, no, not a Cyberthing, but what?" the Doctor questioned.

"What? No, we're missing something obvious, Rory. Something big. Something right slap in front of us. I can feel it." the Doctor helped me up. "Yeah, I think you probably are." Rory nodded. "We'll get it in a minute." I said, walking off with the Doctor. "Wait." I paused. We quickly turned around.

"Hello again." the Doctor said.

"Hello." Rory waved.

"So, how've you been?" I asked.

"Good. Yeah. Good. I mean, Roman."

"Rory, I'm not trying to be rude, but you died." the Doctor's eyebrows raised.

"Yeah, I know. I was there."

"Rory, you died. You were erased from all of time. You didn't just die, you weren't even born. You never existed." I explained.

"Erased? What does that mean?" Rory asked.

"How can you be here?" the Doctor walked up to Rory, studying him.

"I don't know. It's kind of fuzzy." Rory shrugged.

"Fuzzy?" I asked.

"Well, I died and turned into a Roman. It's very distracting." Rory explained, he looked over to me. "Did she miss me?" he asked. Before I could answer, something shook the ground. We ran back to the Pandorica. The designs on the Pandorica were glowing green, moving like cog wheels. "What is it? What's happening?" Rory questioned. "The final phase. It's opening."

"Yes. Now hurry up and get the Tardis here. I need equipment." the Doctor said into a communicator. He turned to the pandorica, "What are you? They're all here, all of them, all for you. What could you possibly be?"

"Come on you two, we've got some friends to greet."

"Sorry, sorry, dropped it. Hello, Stonehenge! Who takes the Pandorica, takes the universe." The spaceships lit stonehenge up like a stage. "But bad news, everyone, because guess who? Ha! Listen, you lot, you're all whizzing about. It's really very distracting." We watched as the Doctor was the center of attention to the millions of spaceships above. "Could you all just stay still a minute because I am talking!" he yelled.

"The question of the hour is, who's got the Pandorica? Answer, I do. Next question. Who's coming to take it from me?" he spun around, "Come on! Look at me. No plan, no back up, no weapons worth a damn. Oh, and something else. I don't have anything to lose! So, if you're sitting up there in your silly little spaceship, with all your silly little guns, and you've got any plans on taking the Pandorica tonight, just remember who's standing in your way. Remember every black day I ever stopped you, and then, and then, do the smart thing. Let somebody else try first."

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