Not alone anymore

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"How come we aren't going there first?" Amy asked. "Because." the Doctor said, he was on the other side of the console. "You should go find something else to wear." he looked up and grabbed Amy's hand, walking up the stairs. "Go on, there's a wardrobe in there somewhere." he let go of her hand. "Where?" she asked. "One left, three rights, and another left." she began to walk off. "Wait!" he yelled. She turned around. "Right, sorry. Go right first." he gave a smile. I heard Amy walk off into the tardis. "Juno." the Doctor walked over to me and took my hands. "I think it's time I tell you what that is." he looked down at my necklace. "Oh, goodie! I get answers now!" I smiled, sitting down in one of the chairs nearby.

"Did you ever have a dream," he began. "Yes, I've had dreams Doctor." I chuckled. "No, about me." he rubbed his forehead. "I have Doctor. Be more specific." I said. "The watch. The pocket watch I had. Martha was there." he walked over to me and kneeled down. "The one with that creepy alien family?" I asked. "Yep." he replied. "What about it?" I questioned. "Do you remember what the watch was? What it held?" he asked me. "Your Time Lord self, right?" I answered. He jumped up. "Basically, yes." he said. "Now, what do you think your necklace is?" he quizzed. I looked down at it. The symbols that were so familiar, yet so distant. I didn't know why I was so connected to it. I looked up. "What?" He sighed. "Juno, your necklace. Your hourglass necklace. My pocket watch." he grabbed my hands. My eyes widened. "No..." I squinted my eyes. "Yes." he said. "But that's-" I began. "Unlikely, but not impossible." He grinned.

"You could've-" he jumped up and pulled me with him. "I could've but I waited. I searched for you, Juno." he said. "So when I open it..." I looked down at my necklace. "It's your choice." he said. I kept my gaze on the necklace. "I'll change." I said, looking up at him. "Yes, you will." I frowned. "Will I die?" I asked. He kissed my forehead. "You're human life will die, but your time lord life will come back." he explained. "Right." I said. "So I just..." I began to take off my necklace. "It opens at the bottom, I think." he took a step back. "Doctor, I'm... I'm scared." I looked up at him. His eyes were so caring. "I know, Juno. I know." he gave a sad smile. "See you in a bit Doctor." I returned the smile.

I looked down at the necklace, and I opened it, regeneration energy flew back to me. I shut my eyes tight as I began to feel my cells breaking. I dropped the necklace as I went into regeneration. New cells forming, old cells destroyed. The regeneration energy flowed through my body. I screamed as the regeneration finished. I flew to the ground, overcame by the new feelings. "Holy shit." I lurched. The new two hearts in my body was something I would have to get used to. The Doctor rushed to my side. "Juno, i'm here." he held me close. "Do I look different?" I asked, looking up at him. He gave me a smile. "You look brilliant." he said. "Oh, that's good."

"Doctor, I found some clothes, Juno look at my-" Amy paused. "Who's that?" she asked. I looked up at her. "It's me." I said. The Doctor stood up, helping me up as well. "Wheew! New legs. So wobbly." I said, steadying myself on the console. "What?" Amy questioned. "Amy! This is Juno." the Doctor walked over to Amy. "No." she said. "What?" the Doctor asked. "How is that. That's not. That's not Juno." I looked over to her. "New me, new face, new rules!" I said walking over to her. I shook her hand. "Oh look at that! I've got five fingers!" I exclaimed. The Doctor smiled, "Two ears, two eyes, one mouth, one nose." he informed. "Oh, brilliant." I grinned. "But she- she's Juno?" Amy asked. "Yep. I'm a time lord-" I paused, "well time lady. Or something." I mumbled.

Amy looked at the Doctor. "She's, one of you?" she asked him. "One of me." he leaned on the railing. "You aren't alone anymore." she said. "Not anymore." he walked over to the console. "Right, we've got places to be!" he pressed a few buttons. "I'm going to... change my clothes. Yeah." I said walking up the stairs. "I'm coming too!" Amy exclaimed running up the stairs, she grabbed my arm and we began to walk into the tardis corridors. "Be careful with her! She's brand new!" we heard the Doctor yell from the console room.

A.N: hi gang :D Juno has finally regenerated. it's time for her to find out about who she was, and who she will be as a timelady. i hope you don't mind the short upload, but victory of the daleks is next! happy reading :)

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