The Poison Sky

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   The Doctor was under the car, struggling with the ATMOS. I covered my mouth with the sleeve of my shirt. "He's going to choke. Doctor!" Donna yelled. "It won't open." he responded. I turned back to see Sylvia come out of the house with an axe. She then broke the windscreen. The Doctor stood up. "Well, don't just stand there. Get him out."

  Wilf was carried back into the house. "Thanks." Wild said. "I can't believe you've got an axe." Donna said to her mom. "Burglars." she justified. "Get inside the house. Just try and close off the doors and windows." the Doctor instructed. I stood by the door and heard a car drive by. It was Jenkins. "Doctor. This is all I could find that hasn't got ATMOS." He yelled. The Doctor turned to Donna and me. "Donna, Juno, you coming?" We both nodded. "Donna. Don't go. Look what happens every time that Doctor appears. Stay with us, please." her mom pleaded. "You go, my darling." Wilf smiled. "Dad!" Sylvia nudged her dads shoulder. "Don't listen to her. You go with the Doctor. That's my girl." We heard him yell. We quickly got into the car and drove off.

  "Ross, look after yourself. Get inside the building." the Doctor said to Jenkins as we left the car. "Will do. Greyhound Forty to Trap One. I have just returned the Doctor to base safe and sound. Over." he said on the walkie-talkie.

  "The air is disgusting." Donna said. "You can say that again." I coughed. "It's not so bad for me. Go on,  you lot,get inside the tardis. Oh, I've never given you a key." he gave Donna a tardis key. "Keep that. Go on, that's yours. Quite a big moment really."  he said. "Yeah, maybe we can get sentimental after the world's finished choking to death." Donna said jokingly. "Good idea." the Doctor said with a smile. "
Where are you going?" I asked. He turned around giving us one final look. "To stop a war." he ran off into the ATMOS factory. Donna and me ran back to the tardis.

We stepped into the tardis and walked up to the console. "When we first met, you knew me?" I asked her. She looked up at me. "Yeah, the Doctor talked about you." My eyes widened. "Really?" I inquired. "He said you had dreams about him, that night you met. And your necklace..." she began to stare at my necklace. "What about it?" I looked down at it with her. "You mean a lot to him-the Doctor. It may not seem like it now, but he cares for you." she said with a smile.

We had been sitting in silence for a few minutes when we felt the tardis move. "What was that?" Donna asked me. "I don't know..." I began to walk towards the door. I opened the door and looked out, "None of the humans can guess our true purpose." Staal said. I quickly, but quietly closed the door. "Shit." I muttered.

I heard the monitor turn on. "This is the Doctor." I heard. Me and Donna rushed over. "Doctor, We're here. Can you hear us?" Donna answered. "Yeah, loving the diplomacy, thanks. So, tell me, General Staal, since when did you lot become cowards?" he said. "He can't hear us." I told Donna. We turned our attention back to the screen. "Yeah, I'm really glad you didn't say belittle, because then I'd have a field day. But poison gas? That's the weapon of a coward and you know it." Donna looked back to me. "Who's he taking to?" I pointed out the door. She walked to the door and peaked outside.

"Staal, you could blast this planet out of the sky, and yet you're sitting up above watching it die. Where's the fight in that? Where's the honour? Or are you lot planning something else, because this isn't normal Sontaran warfare. What are you lot up to?" A hologram of the Doctor asked. "A general would be unwise to reveal his strategy to the opposing forces." Staal responded. Donna closed the door. "Oh my god." she gasped.

"As they say in Latin, Donna nobis pacem." the Doctor said on the scanner. "That's me. I'm here." Donna ran over. "Did you never wonder about its design? It's a phone box. It contains a phone. A telephonic device for communication. Sort of symbolic. Like, if only we could communicate, you and I." he looked like he was looking at us. "Oh, my God." we said. Donna picked up Martha's phone. "Big mistake though, showing it to me." he said. "But who do we phone?" she asked worried. "Because I've got remote control." he said with a smirk. "Doctor, what number are you on?" she yelled. The scanner went blank. "You haven't even got a number." she mumbled.

We were jolted around as Sontarans move the Tardis. "But what do we do?" Donna asked me. "Call your mum." I said. She began to dial. "Mum, you all right?" she said. I could only here Donna's side of the conversation. "There's people working on it, Mum. They're going to fix it, I promise." she looked up at me before rolling her eyes. "Oh, don't start."

"Please don't." she said worried. Her face lightened up. I assumed it was wilf. "It's sort of hard to say. You all right?" she asked him. "No. Its just me and Juno. We're all on our own." she said looking at me. "He will, Gramps. There's something he needs us to do." I nodded. "I just don't know what." she added.

"Trust me. He can do it." she said. "I will. Just as soon as we see him, I'll tell him." she put the phone down. After about 10 minutes of sitting in silence, Martha's phone rang. I picked it up this time. "What's happened?" Donna asked. "Where are you?" I asked the phone. "Still on Earth." I smiled and turned to Donna mouthing 'the doctor'. She sighed relieved. "But don't worry, I've got my secret weapon." he said. "And what would that be?" I asked. "You."

"Oh. Somehow that's not making me happy. Can't he just zap us down to Earth?" Donna asked. I shrugged. "With that remote thing?" I asked. "Yeah, I haven't got a remote, though I really should. I need you two on that ship. That's why I made them move the tardis. I'm sorry, but you've got to go outside." he said. I turned to Donna. "He wants us to go out there." Her eyes widened. "But there's Sonteruns out there!" she said loud enough for the Doctor to hear. "Sontarans." he corrected. "But they'll all be on battle stations right now. They don't exactly walk about having coffee. I can talk you two through it." he said. "But what if they find us?" I asked.

"I know, and I wouldn't ask, but there's nothing else I can do. The whole planet is choking, Juno." I took a breathe in and sighed. "What do you need us to do?"

"The Sontarans are inside the factory which means they've got a teleport link with the ship, but they'll have deadlocked it. I need you to reopen the link."

"But I haven't even mended a fuse before!" I said.
"Juno, stop talking about yourself like that. You can do this. Donna will help you." He said. I looked over at Donna. "I promise." he added. Me and Donna walked over to the door. Donna peeked outside the Tardis. "There's a Sonterun. Sontaran." she corrected herself. "Did he see you?" he asked. I peeked out as well. "No, he's got his back to us." I whispered. "Right, Juno, listen. On the back of his neck, his collar there's a sort of plug, like a hole." he said. "The Probic vent."

"One blow to the Probic vent knocks 'them out." I told Donna. "But he's going to kill me." she exclaimed. "I'm sorry. I swear I'm so sorry, but you've got to try." the Doctor said to her. Donna ran back to the console and grabbed the mallet that the Doctor uses on the Tardis console. She snuck outside and whacked the Sontaran on the vent. "Back of the neck." she smirked. "We got him." I informed the Doctor. "Now then, you got to find the external junction feed to the teleport." the Doctor informed.

"Oh, one of those circular panel on the wall. Big symbol on the front, like a.." I began. "Like a letter T with a horizontal line through it. Or, or, two Fs back to back." the Doctor explained. "Oh. Well, there's a door." Donna pointed out. I looked over. "Should be a switch by the side." I said. "Yeah there is. But it's Sontaran shaped, you need three fingers." she said. I held up my hand. "We've got three fingers." Her face was overwhelmed with realization. "Oh, yeah."

"We're through." I informed. "Oh, you lot are brilliant, you are." he exclaimed. "T with a line through it." I informed her. "Got to go. Keep the line open." the Doctor hung up. I groaned. "Did he just hang up?" Donna asked. "Yup." I said popping the p. We then heard a group of Sontarans marching. We quickly hid as more Sontaran troops march past.

After a bit, we finally found it. I called him up. "Oh! Blimey, I'm busy. Got it?" he said on the line. "Yes. Now hurry up." I responded. "Flick them up like a fuse box, and that should get the teleport working." he explained. "Flick them up, quick!" I told Donna. She quickly flicked the switches. We turned around and saw the Sontarans. "Doctor. Blue switches done, but they've found us." I told him.

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