Chapter 5 - To the Rescue

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Mary Jenkins's POV

"Alright, this is the only route to take to the embassy, we need to be on high alert now, they could be ambushed anywhere here. You stay right here while I get this bike refuelled," Leo sounded dead serious when he instructed me after we got off the bike at this god-forsaken place with makeshift houses made from rusty and weathered scraps of corrugated tin.

I nodded since I wasn't left with any other choice right now.

Just how did this trip end up going south? I can't believe I was so close to the leads yet I have to return empty-handed now...

Feeling defeated, I hung my head low and kicked the dust off the ground.

Then a red laser beam shone on the ground caught my attention and that was when Leo shouted out loud as he grabbed me and pulled me into the shelter.

At that same instance, a loud thud struck against the ground just right next to me.

Oh my gosh! Was that a bullet?

"What's happening?!" I panicked.

"They are here, we have to go now," He said as he eyed around while fishing out his gun.

What ensued after that was a rain of pattering gunshots coming after us, sweeping dust off the ground.

"There!" He pointed out to a warehouse shed not far from where we are and then without warning, he took my hand and we started speeding off once again as he took down one man after another with his steadfast shooting.

Alright, shit is getting real this time! The fear I felt was so real that I could even smell the reek of my imminent death.

I was out of breath by the time we made it to the warehouse. We took cover behind a rack. Panting for breath, I asked him, "What are we going to do now?"

He brought his finger up to his mouth, signalling me to stay quiet and that made me froze in silence.

He slowly inched out to check out the surroundings while I backed up slowly away from him to step away from the imminent danger. I stood by the corner of the rack and squinted my eyes as I prayed hard. Then I felt a cold metallic touch against the back of my head. I immediately shuddered in shock and my body started trembling involuntarily as I held my breath.

Leo turned around and aimed his gun towards my direction swiftly, but it was already too late, I was already held at gunpoint.

"Put your gun down," A burly voice came from behind me.

"Please... please don't do this..." I pleaded in tears with my quivered voice.

Leo's face remains impassively composed, however, there was this streak of hesitation in his eyes to lower the gun in his hand when the man behind threatens once more as he grabbed me by my neck suddenly, "I said put your gun down!"

I felt that adrenaline rush of shiver travelled down my spine and my palms turned cold and sweaty. I swear I was near to wetting myself when he did that, being choked by the arms of a man who was going to serve you death in no time was no joke.

Leo gradually lowered his gun onto the floor and kicked his gun away as he raised his hands and said steadily, "You don't want to do this..."

How the hell is anyone even able to stay as fearlessly sane as he could in such a situation?!

It was as though his voice alone was a weapon itself that threatened the man behind me to redirect his gunpoint towards Leo and that was when I saw my opportunity.

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