Chapter 14 - Gravitated

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*4 days later in a caged cell at a forsaken warehouse in the United States*

Phantom's POV

"Please... Sir... Please don't kill me..." Viktor begged in a mix of tears and blood. He was tied up to a chair and was still struggling to get himself out of this situation.

Totally emasculating.

He was pathetic in his bloodied shirt and a bruised face that has been so badly punched up by Serpente's men.

Nothing surprising, this was just a customary treatment given to clients of us who did not follow our instructions when dealing with money.

Just like what I have expected, Viktor was greedy and wanted quick money. He had directed large transaction of money that attracted the attention of the FBI and this got them snooping on the doors of the Gambit Empire. Serpente was obviously enraged of our exposed tracks and so he wanted him finished.

I sat down across to Viktor with my legs crossed as I watched him struggle in his emasculated form. Nothing stirred in me.

No empathy, no remorse, no mercy. I was just numb from within the core of me to such a situation that I have grown accustomed to.

He started breaking out into a state of guffaw as though he had lost his mind, "F**k you...! You are a monster, you know that right?! You think you can play god?!"

I still shared no remorse with whatever allegations he had wielded on me because greedy men who bring menace to the world like him deserves to die.

For the amount of blood that has been accumulated in the hands of Panofiz, he will never be enough to soothe the souls of the innocence. At least now, his death would be a meaningful one in my conspiracy plan against Serpente.

I pulled out my pistol and pointed it at him.

His jolted up immediately and struggled even more as fear filled up the entire rim of his eyes.

"Please... please... don't do this..." He continued to plead in his pathetic wails, shaking from head to toe.

Just as I was about to pull the trigger on my pistol, my phone vibrated to a message from Mary.

"It is only with the heart that one can see rightly: what is essential is invisible to the eye." Do you think you would be free to meet up with me to continue our debate on this? Just kidding, I forgot that I still have yet to properly thank you for saving my life back in Sicily, could I at least treat you to a meal? That is if you're still in the States..."

My hand shook for the first time as I held on to the pistol tightly. A faint hesitation flashed through my mind as I recalled that bitter feeling I had of the distance between me and her. I started to feel the guilt that trickled into me at the thought of pulling my trigger at this man before me.

My mind was thrown into a whirl of a battle between what I was trained to do and my moral conscious.

This isn't me. This isn't how I would ever felt about serving death to men who deserve it. How did this even happen?

Then a gunshot broke me out from my trance. I lifted my eyes to the scene of Viktor dead from a headshot.

I lowered the pistol in my hand and turned around to Andre who stood next to me with a pistol in his hand.

I recomposed my stance and stood up to leave as I said to him, "You didn't have to."

I might have recomposed my stance, but my mind wasn't as I begin to felt the haunting in me.

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