Chapter 4

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Our walk turned into a hangout on the playground. Me and Will chatted on top of the monkey bars, after a long 10 minutes of him struggling to get on top in jeans and me laughing my ass off at his predicament. On the other hand, Clay and Leo were whispering quietly to each other in the tallest tower of the playground. Eventually, they finally stood up to walk down to where Will and I were. "Y'all good with going to Clay's now?" Leo asked.

I looked at Will, who shrugged. "Sure."

We made our way to the car and opened the driver door. Leo leaned over and said, “Text your mom and tell her that you’ll be having dinner.”

“YES!” I yelled.

After another 20 minute drive to Clay’s, the garage door was finally closing behind us. I jumped out of the car and ran to the door, swinging it open, getting a rush of cool air. I sighed, then said in the sweetest voice I could muster, “Patches? I’m back!”

A soft meow came from behind the wall and a small grey cat poked her head around to look at me. I stepped into the house to walk towards her and pick her up. She nuzzled her head into my armpit and curled her tail over my shoulder. “Hey baby, how’s my favourite kitty?”

Another meow was heard, and I lifted her onto my shoulder so I could move my arms again. I heard Clay, Leo, and Will talking in the background as I got out 4 cups to put water in. Patches suddenly tensed up and jumped down onto the floor, scurrying off as Leo walked in with Wilbur and Clay at his back saying, “And this is the kitchen, where our Lord Manhunt cooks his most fulfilling meals.

“Oh my God, Leo can you please stop with the Manhunt stuff.”

Will started to hum the Manhunt theme as Leo smirked and said, “Nope!”

I shook my head and fake pouted. “Y’all made Patches run away with your loud ass talking."

Will gasped and asked, curiosity filling his eyes, “Can I pet Patches?”

“Sure, but she’s a bit skittish so let her get comfortable first. It might take a while. Here, lemme go coax her out.”

Clay and Leo turned and left to go find the cat. Will looked down and let out a disappointed sigh. I chuckled and slid him a glass of water. His face immediately lit up. “I haven’t had water since I left the UK!”

My head snapped up to his face. “Why didn’t you ask for some, you idiot?!”

“I didn’t want to bother you… I’ve already intruded by living with your family.”

“None of us care that you’re living with us. It’s fun having you around.”

“Fiona I’ve been in the US for,” He glanced down to check his non-existent watch and said, “A grand total of 3 hours.”

“Did I stutter?”

“No ma’am.”

“That’s what I thought. But seriously dude, you’re fine. Don’t worry about it.”

I watched him visibly relax, like it was something that had him worried. Smiling, I went to stand next to him and lean on the table. "I mean, if it makes you feel better, I'm more comfortable with you in the room next to me." I grabbed one of the apples off the basket in the center of the table. "That's where Jayce was for years. Plus, now I don't have to worry about stuff happening to you in the UK and me not knowing about it."

I took a bite out of the apple as Clay and Leo walked in with Patches. The poor cat was trying her hardest to get out of Clay’s arms as he got closer to Will. Will reached his hand out slowly, letting her sniff it, before going to scratch her head. I watched the cat relax a bit, still tense, but not twisting around. When Will retracted his hand and backed away, Clay set Patches back down. She ran over to me and rubbed against my legs. I picked her up and placed on my shoulders once again. Will gave me a look and said, "Oh come on, why does she love you so much?"

The Wealth of the Idiots ~(Tommy x OC)~Where stories live. Discover now