Chapter 10

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“Alright Fiona, you ready to design your logo?” Ranboo asked.

I blinked as Redesign Your Logo started playing in my head. “Sorry?”

“Your logo? Profile photo? A username? Y’know, something for people to know you by?”

“Oh. Yeah.” I looked away from the camera.

It’s been a couple weeks since me and Tommy's stream, and a week since Will left to go back to England. Sad times here in Florida. No more Will! But anyway, Ranboo and I got around to facetiming so he could help me with my character. And yes! Without the masks! Clay’s been helping as well, but he’s already super busy, so I went to Ranboo instead. At least most of the time. If there was something Ranboo didn’t know, over to Clay I went. Will’s also really busy with his band, so I told him that I’d ask someone else, as to not disturb him. And no, I did not ask Tommy. The little bi-

“Fiona, I swear to God, you have to pay attention!”

“Sorry, sorry. Can we take 5 and then come back? I want some goldfish.”

The poor guy sighed and nodded. I pumped my fists into the air, yelling “YES,” and picked up my phone to go downstairs. “Fiona, you know that you’re on the SMP in 2 days right?”


“And you don’t even have a minecraft account?”

“Or discord or a public instagram.”

“I swear-” he muttered. Then he sighed once again. “Fia, you need an account to get on the server. You know that right?”

“Oh yeah…”

“Don’t ‘oh yeah’ me. You go on in 2 freaking days. Jesus Christ, you’re gonna give me a heart attack.”

I set my phone down on the kitchen table and walked around to the pantry. “Oh my god.” Ranboo said.

I snickered as I grabbed the box of goldfish. “You do know that I have ADHD right? This is how I get all of my work done. Last minute. That’s the only time I can focus.”

Sigh count is up to 3 now. “Yeah but, you’re stressing me out. I have to go now, so, get your logo done, okay? And maybe think of a username? And make all of those other accounts!”

“Fine,” I said. Then I smiled at the camera and waved. “Bye Ranboo!”

“See ya!”

The little hang up tone rung through the air and I stared into space for a second before deciding to actually work on this “Dream SMP” stuff. I opened up a Wiki page with all the people’s names and logos on the server, just to make sure that I didn’t accidentally copy someone. ItsFia was almost my name, but then I saw ItsAlyssa. So I settled on FionaFlowers. I don’t know. My brain works in mysterious ways. The rest of the day was fairly boring. I created a twitch, as well as an Instagram, a Discord, a Youtube, and updated and connected a Twitter account to my existing one. And after an emotionally draining day of doing absolutely nothing, I collapsed into bed at the late hour of 6 PM. But, y’know, stayed on my phone watching youtube for another 3 hours. I may be tired, but not that tired. 

When I opened my eyes the next morning, my phone was dead and my door was open. It was still dark outside, and even though I just walked out of my room, the layout of the house was unfamiliar. “The fuck?” I muttered.

I walked back into my room only to find that the room had changed into another unfamiliar thing. “Again? You gotta be kidding me,” I said.

There he was again, face planted in the pillows, starfished across the bed. “Huh?” He said, lifting his head up.

“Get out of my fucking dream dude.” 


I sighed. “Shut up Tommy. It’s like, 5 in the morning.”

He actually shut up. Wow. My eyes began searching around the room, seeing a… Queen Elizabeth poster? He must have seen my eyes lock on it, and watched my head tilt, because he said, “Come on, It’s Lizzie. Don’t dis on my country.”

“I wasn't, it's just slightly confusing that you have her in your room. I mean, I don’t have a poster of Biden in my room.”

He gave me a weird look. “I get that, I mean it’s Biden.”

“True,” I said, then pointed at the bed. “Can I sit?”

He patted the bed next to him and scooted over a bit. “Sure.”

As I sat down he continued, “So it’s obvious what’s in my room, what’s in yours? Don’t take that the wrong way.”

I leaned back on my hands and laughed. “Didn’t your mom ever tell you to not ask a girl what’s in her room?”

He looked away. “Yeah, but it’s only fair.”

I smiled at the ceiling, “Well I’ve got my bed, a few paintings that I did back in my anime phase, plus a whole bookshelf with a Hogwarts Lego set at the bottom.”

I looked back at him and found him staring. Poked his forehead and said, “Take a picture dumbass, it’ll last longer.”

He turned a light shade of red, and started yelling, “YOU LITTLE-”

And then he was gone. Quite literally. Just disappeared. Poof. And I sat there, shocked, in his room for a few seconds before my vision faded and I woke up. Similar to the dream, it was still dark outside and my phone was dead. My clock read 5:12, signaling the start of my day. I got up and walked over to my mirror. Ah. Look at that beautiful rats’ nest. Ooo, those are some smexy eye bags. Yeah, let's go take a shower.


yea idk what to put here. Fiona's one of those weirdos who gets up early in the morning.

feel free to attack her for it

because how dare she be able to wake up energized

The Wealth of the Idiots ~(Tommy x OC)~Where stories live. Discover now