Chapter 16

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After New Year's, Tommy came back down to film another video. It was a surprise really. I woke up one morning to him shaking me, yelling, "FIAAA WAKE UP!"

Yes, we had a couple dreams over the week that he wasn’t in town, but back when he was in town, we never had dreams. When I mentioned this, he had only thought for a second before shrugging. “I dunno.”

If looks could kill, he’d be dead. About 6 feet under. “Real helpful Tommy. All I’m thinking is that maybe the dreams have to do with physical distance.”

He had only shrugged again. And that was the end of the conversation. But this morning he woke me up. By shaking me. At. 5. In. The. Morning. I drowsily stood up from the bed. “Huh?” I asked intelligently.

He snickered. “Oh, Ms. High and Mighty is all sweepy? Where’s your fight?”

Only a yawn came out of my mouth before I deigned to respond. “You’ll be dead later. It’s the only way I can pay back this heinous crime.”

A shake of his head was all he gave me in return. Then he reached down to grab my hand and pull me out to the hallway and up the steps. To the roof. The only thing out at the moment were some dim stars, as well as some purple streaks of stars across the sky. As well as a lightening part of the sky. I watched in awe as it slowly turned orange, then light pink. As the sun rose higher, a gradual teal began to form. “Whoa.”

That was the wonderfully IQ-filled reaction that my lovely brain came up with. Thank you brain. High five. “Pretty, innit?” He said, looking at me.

(God he's so british) I nodded, still staring at the sun as it peaked over the horizon. I heard a shutter click. I whipped towards the sound and found him with his fancy schmancy expensive camera out. I blinked. He grinned at my expression. “I mean, you did once tell me to take a picture. It’ll last longer.”

My eyes narrowed. “Delete it.”

His grin widened. “No.”

But he took a step back. And a very smug feeling came over me. He’s afraid. How adorable. Wait no-

“It’s not that bad, it’s just your silhouette.”

I rolled my eyes. “Anxiety says otherwise. Plus my hair looks horrendous.”

“You can’t even see it.” He took another step back as I took one forward. “I’m not deleting it, Fia. It looks amazing.”

If it were possible, I’m sure my eyes would have narrowed even further But alas, the limitations of human anatomy. “Oh, I’m sure that me in my pajamas with frizzy hair and a goofed expression was real flattering. Give me the camera Tom.”

As I took another step forward, he backed into the wall behind him. A look of terror flashed over his face as his eyes flew between the wall and me. He only uttered a single word at first, but he eventually went on. “No. …Fiona, it’s not like I’m going to post it all over social media, what I take pictures of stays private. Unless I say otherwise. And it’s clear you don’t want this out in the wild, so it's staying on my camera, and obviously my computer, but not publicly.”

I glared and lunged forward. “I’m not taking that chance.”

As I reached for the camera, which Tommy had raised above my head, his face began to turn increasingly red. “Fiona-”

“What?” I asked, looking at him..

And I reared back. His face had been right there, close enough to kis- no, no, no. And I had been pressed up against him. Completely clueless.


My words were cut off by a soft hug. “Hey, it’s okay, I just wasn’t expecting it. If you really want me to delete it I can.”

I shook my head. “No, you can keep it. As long as you swear to secrecy and never share it with anyone and-”

“I get it. Don’t worry about it so much. You haven’t even seen the photo.” He said, pulling back.

My head tilted to the right. “Then show me you idiot.”

His usual grin was back. “C’mon then. Let’s go to my room.”

He grabbed my hand and pulled me back down the steps behind him. When we got to his room, he sat down in his chair and began uploading the picture onto his computer. As soon as it was done and pulled up, he turned to me. Only to find that I was buried under all his blankets. “FIONA!” He whisper yelled. “FOR THE SECOND TIME, WHAT THE HELL?”

“S’cold,” I answered shifting further under the blankets.

He rolled his eyes. “Well, get out of my bed and look at the photo.”

I stood up and walked the two steps to his desk. Tommy had turned back to the computer and leaned back to look at my face. “See, it’s a great photo.”

It really was. I felt like I was looking at one of those paintings that were all over the place last year. All of the ones where it was a scenic sky, with a couple of background silhouettes. Just me? Oh. Nevermind then. Anyways, was I going to let Tommy know that it was a good photo? Yes and no. What do I mean? Oh, just my response being hella passive aggressive. What was my response? Um… I didn’t say anything? Just kidding. “Nice photo. Shame about you though.” I said, making my way back to the bed.

“Huh? One, did you actually acknowledge it? And two, what do you mean ‘Shame about me?’ ”

“You’re dying once I wake up.”

His eyes widened. “HUH?”

“Did you never realize? I’m not a morning person Tommy. I’m a night owl.”

“Wait, how late did you stay up last night?”

Back under the blankets, I gave him a VERY sincere smile. “4 am.”

“Oh.” His voice cracked.

“Yeah. Good night.”

Honestly, I was only half awake for the back half of that conversation. Like, around when I said it was cold. I was fucking tired. So I laid back down to sleep. Before I could realize I wasn’t in my bed, brain said, “Night night Fia.”

And I was out.

The Wealth of the Idiots ~(Tommy x OC)~Where stories live. Discover now