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In the first half of the 21st century, humanity's technological advancement was stagnant and predicted to reach a halt in the next few decades. However, in the year 2063, Dr. Sheldon Cooper and his wife Dr. Amy Cooper published their math for String Theory. The paper was positively received by the science community and was later proven in an experience designed by Dr. Leonard Hofstadter with the help of Dr. Rajesh Koothrappali and engineer Howard Wolowitz. It was seen as the "breakthrough of all scientific breakthroughs" as String Theory help humanity comprehend the force of nature and the universe.

In 2090, Kibbler Element (KEL) was discovered on Mars and was named after the Geologist that found it, Bertram "Bert" Kibbler. This new element is abundant on Mars and extremely durable which in combination with String Theory, pushes technological advancement at an unprecedented rate. The discovery of KEL and its benefit is a wonder to the science world but creates turmoil in politics as nations lugged into arms races on Mars and Earth, long-standing allies turned on each other's throats and the world is on the verge of World War 3. The tension continue to build up until 2122, Rigma station ran by the Global Science Group received a signal from deep space.

The signal is a cry for help from an alien species who call themselves Arkard. The Arkard homeworld, Arkurid, was under siege by another alien species named Marikar. The message explained that the Arkard intercepted Voyager 1 probe and has been studying the human using data stored in the probe, it also informed that the Arkard and Marikar have been at war for decades and the Arkard is facing extinction. In the last desperate attempt for the hope of survival, they sent out signals in every direction and in every language known to them.

While humanity is incapable of saving the alien, they realized that they are not alone in the universe and any contact with alien civilization might result in the destruction of humanity. A global leaders summit was called and peace talks began. The idea of the United Nations of Earth (UNE) was discussed and the largest global operation ever taken by humanity began, operation "One Earth, One Nation". It was not until 2163 that the United Nations of Earth was completely formed and all rebel factions that went against the unification were destroyed.

In 2186, the extensive understanding of negative mass leads to the invention of the first faster-than-light drive and wormhole generator. The way it works is the wormhole generator will generate a wormhole to a designated coordinate and then the FTL drive will push the ship through that wormhole to its destination. Both drives were fitted in the Humanity's Space Ship (HSS) Columbus with the crew of 60 scientists for a journey to Alpha Centauri, the plan was to scout the system before colony ships were sent with terraforming technology used on Mars and Pluto to colonize the system. However, after 2 years of traveling through wormhole space, HSS Columbus exited inside a planet and was lost with all hands. It was a tragic loss but a valuable experience for future space dives.

In 2250, Hessia, a newly established colony on the edge of known space was destroyed by an alien armada of the Turian Hierarchy believing that humanity violated the galactic council's law regarding colonization. The attack marked the beginning of the first intergalactic war for humanity. The UNE military organized a well-coordinated counterattack on the Turian fleet that was occupying the system. Although lack space battle experience, the UNE fleet was slightly more advanced and more creative with strategy and tactics eventually pushing the Turian back. The war lasted for 5 human years, which cause massive loss of lives from both sides, and until the Turian showed signs of losing to human superior technology and war strategy that the council intervened and pursued peace.

In 2660, humanity successfully got rid of all known diseases. Advancements in biology extended the human lifespan to 600 years and gene modification completely erased all flaws in human biology.

In 2852, UNE had successfully colonized thousands of worlds and built many wonders such as Dyson spheres, ring worlds and deep space habitats. However, humanity was still not granted a seat in the council due to fear of human's unpredictable nature and many even believe that human is aggressive and should not be trusted. The UNE vast technological superiority and military might make the council races and council associated races try to keep the peace as any total war scenario would result in the near extinction of all nations, and while the UNE might emerge victory there would be very little left to call it a victory.

In 2932, the Marikar Empire pushed the council to start a united war against the UNE seeing it as a growing threat to the galaxy. Rejected by the council, the Marikar declared Marixit to separate itself from the council and declare war with the UNE. The war went on for 58 human years result in an overwhelming loss on the Marikar Empire and little loss for the UNE, with most of their fleet and shipyards either destroyed or taken, the Marikar pushed for unconditional surrender. That was the second intergalactic war of humanity.

In 3001, an ancient Roman-type structure appear on the central square of New Ginza city on Eden Prime, a colony located on the edge of Perseus Arm within UNE border. In the shadow of the gate, an army marches forward with discipline consisting of humans in ancient Roman armor and many fantasy creatures. The invasion of the Saderan Empire begins.

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