Chapter 9: "Priority: Italica"

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--Refugee camp, Outside of Fort Alnus--

The 5th SIF, call sign Hermes for this mission, is waiting by the APC and IFV outside of the refugee camp while Ava and a few others went in for the girls and Lucas. No tank is assigned to the unit this time as the offensive operations to expand UNE control territory to the East have begun. The goal is to link up with the ocean and cut off the Empire's trade to the South of the continent.

Ava has been waiting outside of the hut for 20 minutes but there's still no sign of the girls.

"Girls!" Ava knocks on the door.

"Almost done Commander!" Rory's voice coming from the inside.

"You said that 20 minutes ago!" Ava shakes her head and continues, "That's it I'm coming in"

She activates her TAC suit and hacks the door to unlock it. Walking in, she sees Lucas is still in his pajama waving at her, Rory is brushing her hair while there's no sign of Tuka and Lelei.

"What? Lucas go get changed now or you're staying behind!" Ava looks over to Rory "Where's the other 2?"

"Hmm? Oh, Lelei is up stair watching the new Alnus Town, you people build so fast. I would normal take a year or more to build less than such a town" Rory looks at Ava and sees her serious face "Tuka is in the bath"

Face palming "Can you please go get them and hurry?" she then orders the other members of the 5th SIF to go get the wyvern scales bags.

It takes them another 15 minutes to get ready and settle on the vehicles.

"Alright people lets go, we're really behind schedule" Ava orders through the radio then turn and look at the girls at the back "Next time, when I say 800, that means you girls line up and ready to go 30 minutes before that, are we clear?"

"Civilians huh?" Rob jokingly says.

"uh-huh" Ava replies.

"You think this is going to be routine Commander?" Ashley asks through the radio.

"On paper, it should be, intel shows a lot of bandit activities but I doubt they would be able to scratch the paint of our vehicles" Ava replies.

"Now that I think of it, we're like tourists on a time travel trip" Jimmy says "Going to a medieval city, maybe Mr David here can finally get laid"

"Oh shut up" David laughs.

"It is still hostile territory people, don't let your guard down" Ava comments.

"Fun as always Commander" Rob being sarcastic.


The city of Italica is a major trading hub for the Empire. Mecatua River pass through near the city enable trading ships to transport huge amount of goods from the South of the continent to Italica port and from there is a short distance on land to Italica city. West of the city is The Great Plain that allow safe passage for trading caravans, it is also where the majority of food for Empire come from. Once at Italica, these traders can distribute their goods to either Sedera itself or to the great cities from the East and the Empire's allies using and Dessria Highway.

Italica population is roughly 8000 citizens of all races, but most are humans. Being the most important trade hub, the Empire invested a lot in the defense of the city. The walls are 8 meters (26 feet) tall and 5 meters (16.4 feet) thick defended by 2 well equipped legions at all times, a series of siege engines on top of the walls and have enough food reserve to hold out for a year in case of besieged.

Because the city is one of the wealthiest in the Empire, it becomes the target of the bandit. Normally, no bandit would be mad enough to assault the walls of Italica. However, during the advance through the gate one legion was taken with the city's Count Formal and was destroyed during the New Ginza Incident. The city garrison was further reduced, by order of the Emperor, to reinforce Alnus Hill and subsequently destroyed or disserted to banditry during the Battle of Alnus Hill leaving only a few hundred of legionaries to defend the city.

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