Chapter 3: "Priority: Fort Alnus"

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--Senate House, Imperial Capital Sedera--

2 weeks after the Battle of Alnus Hill.

It took the sole survivor of Imperial forces at Alnus Hill a week of nonstop travel to return to the capital, when his horse died from exhaustion he had to rob a horse from an unlucky farmer to continue. He was exhausted and badly hurt from strange wounds that seem to cause by strange magic, which cause him to lose consciousness at the gate of the capital. Under the order of Emperor Molt Sol Augutus, the best Imperial healers treated this soldier for many days that he's finally strong enough to stand before the senate and the Emperor himself and report of what happened at Alnus Hill.

"Impossible! There were 50 elite legions and hundreds of thousand auxiliaries of Trolls, Orce, Goblin and Elves surrounding Alnus Hill" One of the Senators shocked by the story told "They even had 5 Master Mage from Rondel with them, how could they all be killed in a few hours?"

"But it is true my Lords, I saw it with my own eyes" the soldier replies shaken up by the horrible memories "Our men were slaughtered before we could get anywhere near them, our weapons and magic could not harm them"

Two months ago many great generals of the Empire set out along with 500 thousands men and beasts to take the lands beyond the gate. After occupied and fortify the area around Alnus hill, a vanguard of 200 thousand men and beasts lead by General Aurelius Caeso himself went through the gate. When they did not return, the Emperor sent another 400 thousand reinforcement in anticipating of a counter attack from the Other Worlders.

Never before have such a mass troops concentration in the Empire's history, it made of 2/3 of the Imperial Army. When the news from a single survivor that faceless enemy with strange metal beast and magic barriers using magic staffs from the other side of the gate come and annihilate them in merge hours is unfathomable and unbelievable.

"A lot of my friends died for me to bring this news to you my Lords" the soldier continue as he collapse on his knees.

"My Emperor, this man is clearly broken we cannot take his word for the truth" Senator Calvus speaks to Emperor Molt "We must strike back now while the enemy is sitting still".

The Senate Chamber's door swing open as General Tiberius Deusdedit in prestige armor enters. General Aurelius was a highly decorated soldier in the Imperial Army because of his bravery, fighting skill and strength but General Tiberius is famous for his brilliant strategy and tactics in war. The man is also loves by his men for being respectful of even the lowest ranking soldier despite his highborn origin. He wanted to lead the invasion through the gate but Emperor Molt wanted him to stay back to defend the Empire in case of the invasion fail like it did and the enemy counter attack.

"My Emperor" Tiberius kneel in front of Molt with a humble and respecting tone of voice then turn around to the rest of the Senate Chambers "Senators of Sadera!" he speaks in a powerful tone.

"Our scouts just got back moments ago and their report confirmed this man's story, the Imperial forces at Alnus Hill has been wiped out" Tiberius continues and look at Calvus "Senetor Calvus, our legions in the North is keeping the Darklings contained and what left of the Imperial Army is defending Sadera. We cannot attack now"

"Then we draft the peasants, we can muster hundreds of thousand strong in no time!" Senator Calvus shout back. He receives cheer of agreement from the pro-war faction.

"It would take weeks to gather them and even longer to train them the basic, even then do you think they stand a chance against an enemy that wiped out 50 elite legions?" Tiberius feels angry of the arrogance of the pro-war senators but manage to keep his voice calm and respectful, it's all politics.

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