Chapter 26: "Priority: Sadera"

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--World building fact--

UNE ship doctrines use both kinetic and plasma beam weaponry. While the plasma beam is incredibly powerful, the kinetic turrets are also capable of inflicting great damage. These turrets, at full power, send 20kg 100mm solid tungsten rounds (500 rounds/min) to their target at the speed of light. And they could sustain the highest firing power easily. To put into the equation E=ƴmc^2 where y is Lorentz factor, m is mass in kg and c is the speed of light.

The total energy of the projectile would be: E=12243*(20)*(3.00*10^8)^2 = 22037400*10^15J = 22037.4EJ (approximately).

The nuclear bomb that detonated over Hiroshima was only 0.000015EJ to put into perspective. Once the rounds hit the enemy's ship shield, the impact would create billions of amps of electricity that will generate heat hotter than that of the core of the sun. On the basic level, E=mc^2 is energy equal mass times the speed of light squared, which means that the round's mass will be turned into energy, after the impact, by the heat and further harming the shield. That's why UNE's kinetic weapon is so effective against both shield and armor.

--D-20B, flying over Sadera--

Operation Sadera Downfall, named after the proposed operation by the ancient US military in the 20th century to invade the Imperial of Japan during World War 2. The massive formation of transports, D-20s and SD-20s, and GS-12s escorts begin to enter Sadera's perimeter. The first group of transports has already begun to lower their attitude to deploy the troops they're carrying at their designated location. Each division has its own designated area and objectives to secure in different parts of the city. Smoke columns are scattered across the city underneath.

"What the hell is happening here? They're already in chaos before we got here" Rob says as he checks TACNet for the aerial view of the city.

"Good, let them busy fighting among themselves, makes our job easier" David replies.

"Focus people, we have an unknown hostile element designated as highly dangerous by the GIA. Don't get cocky" Ava says.

"Yes, ma'am" the platoon replies.

The 5th SIF's D-20Bs are flying ahead of the formation and heading straight for the palace. The plan is for them to be dropped directly on top of the throne room, break through the roof as they land inside and secure the hostages. However, as they're entering the inner district area, a dark purple barrier dome appears out of nowhere that cuts the tail of Ava's D-20B and cuts Ashley's D-20B in half. The 2 transports, what's left of them, lose control and crash onto the ground. Such crash would usually kill the pilot and most of the transport occupants but thank to the TAC suit, no one died.

Ava gets out of the fuel leaking transport and order the SIFs as well as the pilot to secure the immediate area. She and Rob rush to the house that Ashley's transport crashes into to check on them. Before Ava could reach them, the transport explodes causing the buildings around it to collapse. A piece of debris is suddenly kicked flying up the air causing Ava and Rob point their assault rifle at the direct. However, Ashley appears from under the rubbles along with Jimmy, David and the pilot.

"Commander, most of my squad is on the other side of the barrier" Ashley says.

Ava looks down the street seeing the other half of Ashley's transport laying just right outside of the barrier. The SIFs are trying to help each other to get out of the burning wreckage, one of them lost an arm and a leg.

"Alfa actual, this is Sierra 5, our birds are down and we're on foot. Combat effectiveness is at 70%, we are going to proceed to the objective on foot. Over" Ava says over the radio but she doesn't get any reply at all. Pausing for a few second, she repeats but still nothing.

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