Chapter 32: "Priority: Graduation"

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--Alcatraz Solitude Station--

The Alcatraz Solitude is the largest station in Alcatraz system orbiting the sun. On it is exactly 100 000 isolation cells, each is 5x5 meters (16.4x16.4 feet) and has 1 bed, 1 chair, 1 toilet, 1 mirror, 1 small table, 1 small sink and 1 small cabinet for clothes. Everything is completely white, even the prisoner's clothes, and the room is lit up brightly from 6 AM to 8 PM by 2 strips of white light. The room is 100% sound proof so there will be cold silence all the time.

Only the worst of the worst criminals and most hated enemies of the UNE are kept here. Zoral and Calvus are the only 2 prisoners from Falmart being kept here. Food will be delivered to the cells by automated drones. There will no human contact at all as they are not allowed to leave the cell at any time and the door is going to stay opaque unless there's a visitor. The best, cutting-edge, medical technology is available on the station to make sure the prisoners live as long as possible and never go completely insane. Once a prisoner shows signs of mental breakdown, they will be monitored and will be brought back to sanity as soon as they break.

Zoral is sitting on the bed, his head is down and his blonde hair was cut to 3cm short as standard for all prisoners. His eyes are closed as his mind is buzzing with thoughts of what had happened. The empire was his, the greatest army Flamart had ever seen was his but how did it come to this? How did he lose? This man still cannot comprehend the scale and power of the UNE, since he was captured in Sadera, he has seen many things as he was being transferred to this prison. Many things but nothing he could gasp, there are things that even the excuse of magic doesn't make sense. What are these people? Are these gods? Evils? Or perhaps, they are the gods of the gods?

A long and loud beep sound goes off as the door flashes green twice and then displays Pina who is calling from the throne room all the way from Sadera.

"Brother..." Pina can see that Zoral is well physically but in his eyes, his spirit is broken.

This is the first time Pina is allowed to see Zoral since his capture, she wants to inform Zoral about the trial herself. Hearing his sister's voice, Zoral looks up slowly, his eyes are stone cold void of any emotion. He hates his father for being a coward, he hates his brother for being a cunning snake who was not there to help him. Most of all, he hates Pina for being a puppet of the enemy, hand over the empire to these dishonorable people. He was willing to sacrifice his own humanity to defend Falmart but everyone in his family was against him.

"What do you want?" Zoral says slowly, cold, he pauses for a moment and then continues sarcastically "My...Empress".

" know I have no other choice, I..." Pina says, trying to stay calm but Zoral interrupts her.

"There's always a choice! But you chose to be a coward like our fool father, you chose to hand over the Empire to these barbarians!" Zoral stares at Pina.

"Look around you, brother, you saw what they're capable of, what they've built, how could you still be calling them barbarians? If anything, we are the barbarians to them, had the war continue million of people on Falmart would die!" Pina leans forwards on the throne, her voice is raising as she speaks.

"So what? They would die with their honor rather than live in shame like they are now. We! We could've been the royal family that goes down in history as the defenders of Falmart against the most powerful enemy since the foundation of the Empire!" Zoral stands up and shouts.

Pina sinks back into the throne and feel like her heart misses a beat "So that's it? You're willing to sacrifice your family and millions of innocents just because of fame? For you own ego?" Pina says almost cry.

Zoral steps closers to the door and stare directly into Pina eyes "Yes" he replies, cold and calmly which send chills down Pina's spine.

"My brother..." Pina could not find the word to say to Zoral, she decides to go back to the reason she's calling him "I want to inform you that you will be given a fair trial as soon as the plague is over".

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