Chapter 40: "Priority: Dream come true"

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Chapter 40: "Priority: Dream come true"

--Reaper's mainframe, Harvest Hub, Auraelm--

"Man down! Man down! Jimmy!" Ashley shouts somewhat panicking in her voice.

Jimmy looks back at where Ava is laying and sees the same thing as Ashley. He immediately rushes over to the commander.

"No, no, no, no, no" he mumbles as he's rushing towards Ava "please don't be too late, please don't be too late".

He slides to kneeling next to Ava's body, deploys his field medical kit and dematerializes Ava's helmet. The commander's eyes are wide open and red with blood, Rob takes out a medical nanite tube and pieces it through one of Ava's eyes to inject so that the tiny bots could prevent further damage. He's so focused on trying to stop Ava's condition from degrading further, which will reduce the chance of reviving her, that he could hear nothing but his heart beating and everything other sounds are muffled. After he's done minimizing the damages, Jimmy materializes Ava's helmet and activates statis mod putting her in a state of suspended animation.

"LC, we need to get her to a hospital on one of the capital ships, stat!" Jimmy shouts out to Ashley.

"Roger that" Ashley replies. Since there's no reason to maintain radio silence anymore as the reapers know where they are anyway, Ashley decides to reconnect to Mnet and call for help "This is Sierra 5 to any friendly units that can here this, we have 1 KIA and multiple wounded, the situation is critical requesting immediate assistance, coordinate uploaded. I repeat...".

As Ashley is transmitting, the D-20s that carry the sangheili company is approaching the Harvest Hub uncontested as SF-40s from the orbiting carriers are keeping the sky clear.

"The humans need help, let's go get them warriors" the captain, commander of the company, says.

The D-20s hover above the harvest hub, their cannons each rain 5000 rounds/minute down the reapers below, while the troops and SAT8 combat bots jump out of them to being their assault. There are 100 soldiers, 5 platoons, in a company. 4 of them are combat platoons and 1 is a command/logistic platoon that also controls the assigned SAT8s. For this mission, 50 SAT8s are assigned to the company.

Three combat platoons are ordered to head straight for the power core to destroy it as it is the most efficient way to neutralize the hub. The command platoon with the SAT8s and the other combat platoon are going to smash their way straight to the SIFs, and hope that they will make it in time. With reaper reinforcements are being stopped by the overwhelming allies' space and air superiority, the sangheilis make their way to the SIFs relatively easy and quick.

Taking cover before turning the corner to the hallway that leads to the SIFs, the commander asks the SIFs to cease fire "Sierra 5, the area is clear, we're coming in. Over".

"Roger that" Ashley replies.

Ava's body is taken out to an evac D-20 waiting outside of the building and then transported to flagship HSS Blake along with the SIFs. They are all wounded and most of them are heavily wounded, if a soldier from 21st were to take the damage that they're having he would surely have died. Ashley orders the rest of the platoon to let the doctors take care of them while she, Rob, Jimmy and David rush after Ava to the emergency room. Along the way, Jimmy reports what happened and Ava's situation as well as the combat first aid that he performed.

Once they reach the emergency room, the nurses block the SIFs from entering with Ava so that the doctors could focus on doing their job and insist that they get their wounds taken care of while waiting. Although they want to be with their friend, they know that Ava best chance is to let the doctors do what they do best and there's nothing they can help now but wait. They stare helplessly as the doors are closing in front of them while the doctors and nurses are busy saving their friend.

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