Chapter 14: "Priority: Peace Treaty P.1"

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--Edge of Paradise restaurant, Utopia Ring--

The restaurant is on the edge of the ringworld, which provides a unique view. On one side is the orange sky of the evening and beautiful landscape, on the other side, one can see millions of stars shining in the dark of space. Directly above them are the sun and the ringworld curve up into the sky. A scene that is straight out of a fantasy world.

The DSA arranges for the group to have dinner at this location because not only it has the best view but also has the best food in the entire ringworld. They have secured the entire rooftop for this.

"Princess, this place is like the home of the gods themselves" Hamilton says while still looking around and marveling at the scenery.

"Even the Imperial Place could not be compared to this heavenly place. No place within the Empire can" Grey says.

"Yes" Pina replies as she lacks any word to describe the feeling she is having.

Being an Imperial Princess, Pina is used to having the best of the best. She has her own place back in the capital with a beautiful garden and view, but even that does not even come close to being able to compare with this place.

"Commander, there's one thing I was meaning to ask" Pina says.

"What is it, your Highness?" Ava replies.

"Although we have been here for a short time, to my observation, all your people are beautiful regardless of their age and status. Even your warriors show no scars or any mark of war. Is there any secret to this?" Pina asks.

"Of all the marvels you've seen and beauty is all you care about?" King Duran says with an amusing tone.

"It's ok, Jimmy would be better at answering this question than me" Ava says then nods at Jimmy.

"There's no easy way to answer this but I'll try. Deoxyribonucleic Acid or DNA is the molecule that carries genetic instructions in all living things. Basically, it decides how we look and our capabilities and it is different for each of us that's why we all look unique. Hundreds of years ago we successfully manipulate our DNA by genetic engineering" Jimmy pause for a while.

"Genes are what made up of DNA and by controlling them we can basically 'code' our DNA to be the way we desired. By perfecting our DNA we have to expand our life expectancy to 600 years, we're also stronger, smarter, and as you can see aesthetically look better" Jimmy continues "Each of our DNA was tailored to fit our job, for example, our DNA is tailored to be warriors. We are stronger, quicker reaction, we have an excellent memory and keen attention to detail. In the case of Commander Ava, however, she is more beautiful and smarter than most of us but she's natural".

"One lucky girl" Ashley comments.

There's a long silence as everyone is trying to understand what Jimmy says.

"I think I understand, by controlling what you can do, your society is so much more efficient and nobody will be left behind because they born unlucky" Lelei breaks the silence.

"Exactly, smart girl" Jimmy says "Not only do we do it for humans, but we also perform DNA engineering on animals and plants to help them survive easier when we bring them to other worlds, or to help with terraforming. We also brought back some extinct species like the killer whale or red gazelle".

"You're basically like the gods" Rory comments.

"But we're not, we're as normal as you people" Rob replies "Our civilization just understands how things work better than you do".

The conversation goes on about various topics, mostly about the UNE society. To spend the night, they stay at the DSA mansion that used to house diplomatic delegations.

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