Chapter 6: "Priority: Coda Evacuation"

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--General Nguyen office, Fort Alnus--

Sitting in front of General Nguyen is Special Agent Viktor Volkov of the Galactic Intelligent Agency (GIA). On his desk is a box and a letter delivered by an Imperial messenger, the letter is a threat against the UNE, and what is inside the box is proof of what they are capable of.

"So they are trying to threaten us using our people? Do you think they dare?" Viktor asks.

"Open the box and see for yourself, it's the only reason I haven't sent the 5th SIF into their capital and capture their Emperor" General Nguyen replies as he push the box closer to Viktor.

Viktor unlocks the box and slowly opens it, inside is a horrible sigh that would cause almost everyone to throw up. The wooden box holds 2 human eyes, 2 hands, 2 feet, nose, lips, 2 ears and a heart. Agent Viktor manage to stay calm thanks to his training and experience gained by countless operations during his 103 years in GIA.

"Are these be long to one of ours?" Viktor asks.

"Yes, these belong to a woman named Hannah Millers, 332 years old, mother of 3 kids all killed in New Ginza Incident. They came from Ferros City of Artemis Tau to spend the holiday" General Nguyen pass the information to Viktor's holographic screen and continues "We found traces of seminal fluid on her parts"

Viktor closes the box and looks at General Nguyen "That means she was raped and then killed" he says with a little anger in his voice.

General Nguyen slightly nods "I have forwarded the news to Terra Sphere to inform their family, this box will also be sent to them soon as well. Since you are here, I assume GIA has information about where our people are?".

"We do not know their exact location, but our interrogation help us narrow it down to 4 coordinates Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, and Delta" Viktor then pulls up the map of Walmart "One of the officers that we captured informed that these are where they hold POW before sending them to mines or given to nobles. If they're keeping our people hostage these are the most likely locations".

"How did you get them to cooperate?" General Nguyen curious.

"We promise we will let them live if they tell us" Viktor replies.

"But we don't kill our POWs?" General Nguyen continues asking.

"Yes, but they don't know that" Viktor smile and shrug his shoulder.

"I assume you have a plan?" General Nguyen stands up from his seat and comes closer to the map.

"The President has authorized rescue ops, 4 SIF platoons from the 2nd ISO joined by our agents will simultaneously hit the 4 compounds, covertly, to look for our people" Viktor says as the objectives appear on the map "Alpha, Bravo and Delta are 2 hours of flight for D-20B and Charlie is 5. Charlie team will depart for their target 2 hours before 3 other teams so they hit at the same time. The operation will begin per your order General".

"Look over the plan General, but don't take too long" Agent Viktor walks to the door to leave but before he goes he turns back and says "the clock is ticking".

--Novea Castle--

Aurelius and Ava stand in the main yard of the castle while the 5th SIF is getting ready for their departure.

"You're leaving already? Why so hurry?" Aurelius asks with a little disappointment.

"We would love to stay Aurelius, but duty call" Ava replies.

"I understand commander, but remember, you people are always welcomed here" Aurelius shakes Ava's hand.

"On that note, we would like to send a team here with your castle's soul. Do we have your permission?" when what happened in Novea Castle was reported, General Nguyen order Ava to obtain permission for an engineering team to check the castle and the AI.

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