Chapter 44: "Priority: Empress's Dilemma"

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--World building fact--

Introduction to Qill's xenoarchaeology field of Human:

'Master of none, master of all'

Human, a weird species evolved on an M-class planet in Sol system. Unimaginably, they call their home planet 'Earth'. A frail species that have nothing special when you first look at them. They don't have organ abundance like the Krogan, no sturdy skin like the Turian, no wisdom of the Asari, no logic of the Vulcan. To some other races, they have no strength like the Klingon, no cunning like the Romulan and a long, long list of other pity weaknesses. Their planet was bare of any valuable resources and their natural life span was shorter than a Qill's domestic pet. Yet, despite all that, they became the greatest power the galaxy has ever seen. Why?

Nobody knows why, how or when. But the Human, for all their weaknesses, they made up for it by other means. For their physical lacking, they created a medical system and technology that is far greater than the rest of the galaxy. For the lack of strong skin and strength, they invented a new material that is stronger than anything else and made power armor out of it. For the lack of wisdom and intelligence, they have the creativity to makeup for it. Because of their short life span, they had to use the time they have as efficiently as possible, thus they created an education system the was designed to give precise selective and relevant knowledges to any career that one might chose. But when that was still not enough, they changed their very code of existence, the DNA, to live longer, to be stronger, to be smarter. No other species had ever thought of doing that.

In battle, they fight with ferocity and tenacity that not even the Zergs are capable of. When forced into a corner, their only thought was not to give up or to flee but to take down as many enemies down with them as possible without even a hint of self-preservation. A species that is capable of causing great destruction and suffering but always keen on solving conflicts with talks. A species that is capable of great aggressiveness, but somehow, manage to hold back and not wreck chaos as their first solution.

When you ask a Human how and why, the only reply you will hear is "Because we have hope, we have dreams, we know what we're capable of and we fear what could have been".

An apology to my readers, but what the hell was that even mean? It didn't make any sense, but that's Human, nothing about the Human makes any sense. Maybe that's why everyone fears them, because we are incapable of understanding them.

Humans, a jack of all trades, master of none, master of all.

--Empress's quarter, Rondel Inn--

Her sword sticks through the man chest, between his ribs, blood streaming out from the point of entry as he slowly collapses while grabbing Pina's armor. The bandit's eyes stare straight at hers, the mad look of a crazy but there is also hopelessness and regret. His stare shakes her very soul of her, sending an uneasy feeling down her spine and it gets harder to bare the more she thinks about it. For the first time in her life, she took a life. For the first time in her life, she got what she had always wanted, for herself, for her order, that is to be in a real battle.

Pina is standing on top of the high wall of Italica, panting, exhausted. Buildings behind the wall is burning bright and hot because of the all the fire arrows that the bandits shot when the assault began. She wipes away blood from her forehead then looks around. The enemy had already scaled the wall and is now in brutal hand-to-hand combat for the wall with the knights and soldiers of the Rose Order. Her men are well-trained and well-equipped, but the bandits are deserted legionnaires. Therefore, they are not only well equipped, well trained but they also have a lot of experience in battle. The only advantage the Pina's forces have over the attackers is that they are in a defensive position.

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