Chapter 47 "Priority: Saving PSC 1"

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--World building fact—

The 9 magic guilds of Rondel are some of the most influential organizations on Falmart. The smallest of them all the Guild of War has up to over ten thousand followers across the continent. The largest is the Guild of Nature with hundreds of thousands of followers consisting of mostly farmers, hunters and foragers. Each has a different way of managing themselves, but the guild leader is always the most powerful figure that can decide the fate of their guild.

Except for the Guild of War, all guilds allow those without magic to join as long as they can contribute to the guild. Mages that are potent in a certain field of magic or interest can choose to join one of these guilds to further enhance their magic. Those without magic but with interests aligned with these guilds are joined to gain the benefit of magic such as better crop yield from the guild of magic, sailors get favorable wind from the guild of air. The guild of fire increases the efficiency of metal forges and so on.

These followers without magic, in turn, provide the guild with financial support and, when needed, take up arms to boost the guild number in a fight. While many guilds maintain a less than easy relationship with each other, guild wars rarely happen. Usually, it starts with small clashes between followers and then eventually builds up to a single final big battle between the 2 sides. The Empire and Kingdoms of Falmart never interfered or got involved in the guild wars in any way as these conflicts were often seen as very small scale inconsequential to the nations. These battles usually consist of 30-50 thousand combatants on each side, once one side is lost, the number of followers left might be too little to build another army while the empire and kingdoms could muster up armies of hundreds of thousands with ease.

--UNE Foreign Legion boot camp, planet Urhart III, Urhart system—

A platoon of UFL recruits is standing at attention in front of their drill instructors after they finish a building clearing drill. However, they did not successfully finish the drill as they made a few critical errors.

"This is unacceptable, 121st platoon give me 50 laps around the camp and restart the drill. We're doing this until it's perfect. No rest until then, now MOVE!" one of the drill instructors orders.

"We did our part, not all of us screwed up. It's the Batarian that screwed up, punish him!" One of the recruits speaks up.

"Who said that!" the drill instructor shouts "Step in front of the formation, name and species!".

The recruit walks forward and stand at attention in front of the platoon "Sura 'Rosum, Sangheili, Sir!".

The instructor walks towards the recruit to face him, the Sangheili is taller but that does not matter "So you think whoever make mistakes should pay for it by themselves. Is that it? Was that how your military train you?".

"Sir, yes, sir! He forgot to check the corner it was his duty alone. He alone should be punished for it, sir!" the recruit replies.

The instructor walks away from the recruit and face the entire platoon "What if there was a Stalker, a Hunter or a Marauder in that corner? Or worst, a Banshee? Anyone of those could've easily wiped out the entire platoon if they caught you by surprise. Every one of you idiot would be dead and your objective area was not cleared. Now, there's a hold in the line so command would have to diverse troops from somewhere else to clear your objective area for you because one of you idiots got the entire platoon killed" he walks towards another recruit and ask "Do you know why that's bad?".

"It slows the operation down and give enemy time, sir!" the recruits answers.

"Exactly, it takes time to move troops. During that time the enemy's reinforcement could arrive they could encircle our flanks, or what if operation objective is to liberate a pocket of stranded civilians? How many more people would die waiting to be saved because one stupid fucker messed up? How many more reapers everyone else have to fight through to get to the objective because the enemy reinforcement arrived during the pause? How many more troops would die for a lesser chance of victory?" He says as he walks back towards the Sangheili recruit "So, no recruit, in the real world when you fuck up the war is over for you because you're dead, but everyone else will pay the price for you. Thousands, millions maybe billions of lives will be loss just because you alone make a mistake".

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