Chapter 23: "Priority: The Beginning"

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AUTHOR's NOTE: So, I made a mistake, Brooklyn King should be the Joints Chiefs of Staff NOT a Commander-in-chief!!!!! Now I feel so stupid. By the way, If you find that the human society in my story is too optimistic is because that's my hope for the future of humanity. There's enough dystopian sci fi in Hollywood and I hate that, sure we have our flaws and if we don't change there will not be any of us left to have a future but there's still hope. I remain hopeful and optimistic about our future.

--World building fact--

The UNE of the 31st century is a Utopian society. Through technological advancement and abundant resources, humanity no longer fights for survival but for liberty, equality, peace, justice, and progression. Each individual through Genetic Engineering could follow their passive with a suitable mental and physical body. There's no need for crime as the poorest earning citizens could still live comfortably.

Adaptive and curious, humanity's desire for knowledge and opportunities is unmatched and could not be understood by any other races in the galaxy. Humanity seeks discoveries just for the sake of discovery is incomprehensible by races such as the Salarian, Unar etc. And why the human chose to make friends with weaker species, and revive extinct species while they have the military power to conquer is incomprehensible to races such as Krogan, Turian, Zentradi, Sangheili, etc.

--Senate chamber, Sadera--

It has been 2 months since the fall of Icia and the Crown Prince is still missing. Pina and Viktor have been working with Molt using the defeat to sway many houses and senators to the pro-peace faction. However, the support for the war is still taking the majority of the senate.

Viktor is working behind the scene to smuggle as many captured UNE citizens out of the capital city as possible. Mostly those that were being kept by the houses that they managed to convince to switch sides. Many were saved but many more are still being kept as slaves by the pro-war houses.

The UNE military has been holding its advance and only reinforcing the territory it has taken as an agreement with Pina and Molt to give them time to try and find a way to end the war peacefully. However, recently the UNE has been growing more and more impatient and demanding that the Sadera Empire surrender soon. Just this morning, Viktor told Pina that the foreign relations department set a 2 weeks deadline for her to deliver her promise or the UNE will attempt to rescue the rest of the hostages in force and annihilate the Empire.

Molt asks the senate to gather so that Pina could attempt to convince the senate. Although he could not publicly voice his support for Pina, he has been creating as many opportunities as possible for Pina to succeed in her tasks.

"Senators! I implore you to see that the Empire could not win this war and we must surrender to reserve what's left" Pina speaks.

"How dare you say such a thing! The Empire has never lost a war nor it will be, General's Tiberius war plan will allow us enough time to rebuild our armies and, once again, take back what was lost and more!" Senator Calvus says.

"Calvus you blind fool! The great fortress of Icia fell in less than a day by a frontal assault, a feat that no armies, not even the Empire could ever achieve. Did that not tell you much about their military superiority?" Senator Philotheus Serapio counters.

"Now you praise the enemy of the Empire? You traitor!" Senator Calvus shouts as the chamber erupts in an argument between the 2 sizes.

Three slams from the spear of Molt's guards against the floor echo the sound across the chamber as Molt commands them to be silent.

"Silence! Let the Princess speaks!" Molt says.

Pina bows at Molt and continues "Senators, I have been to their worlds, I have seen what marvels they're capable of. We could learn from them, but only if we make peace".

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