chapter 5

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I was sitting on the porch with travis and jamal smoking when k walked in

Kmichelle : didn't I tell u to stop smoking that shit in my

August : girl number one this my house and dont be acting like u dont smoke

Kmichelle : I dont

August : yeah whatever and why u change ur hair again

Kmichele : cuz I can anyway hi jamal hi travis

Travis/ jamal:wasup

Kmichelle : august where the kids at

Travis:( laugh) probably drowning in the pool leave up to august

August : nigga shut the fuck up the twins sleep and aj in his room I think

Kmichelle : august don't play that me

August : how was the girls day with ava

Kmichelle : it was lovely us girls had fun

August : and us niggas had fun to

Kmichelle : doing what

August : fucking bitches

Kmichelle : dont play with august

August : u know im just kidding bae u know I love u

Kmichelle : yeah whatever are yall hungry

Everyone : hell yeah

Kmichelle : well what yall want to eat

August : umm chilpote

Jamal / travis : hell yeah

Kmichelle : ok well u and the guys can go get it

August : alright man dame



Jamal: man yungin ur girl to controlling

Travis:yeah she got u pussy whip

August : aint nobody got me pussy whipped I whips pussy (in pops/mr Jones from Friday voice)

Jamal:nigga u stupid

Then my phone ring and it was k I wondered what she wanted I answered but I forgot my phone was bluetooh to the car so everyone can hear but I didn't care


Kmichelle : august u need to get here quick or in gonna be getting lock up for woooping ass no matter fact murder

August : k whats wrong

Then I heard nicki voice in the background

august : what hell is she doing here

Kmichelle : she trying to take ava august u....

Then the phone clicked off I did a u turn and drove home dum fast I got there in like 2 minutes I bust in the house and k had nicki in a choke hold me jamal and travis got k off her

August : nicki what are u doing here


August : why


Kmichelle : o ill show u crazy

August : u want ur daughter now u haven't seen her in months u weren't here when she was crying to saying my mother dont love daddy why haven't she came and see me daddy

Nicki : ive been busy

August : nicki I do the same thing u do and I still managed to spend time with ava u just want her cuz u dont want her around but thats not gonna happen

Nicki : I hate u august ur just evil u get away with everything but not this time

August : whatever now can u leave before ava come downstairs

Nicki : fine August bye

Kmichelle : bye hoe

Nicki : stfu bitch

Kmichelle : bitch are u trying to get ur ass wooped again if not I think u should leave

Nicki : this aint over (leaves)

August : bae u....

Kmichelle : ive said this once but it look like it ain't work so ima say it again AUGUST ANTHONY ALSINA IF U DONT DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS BITCH THEN I WILL (gose upstairs)

Travis:dame dog she said ur full government name

Jamal:bro it look u need a min so we gonna grab some food we be back

August : alright

I went upstairs to check on k she was laying down on her phone

August : bae im sorry I thought she calmed down by now

Kmichelle : I mean u haven't seen her in forever or talk to her what makes her come back

August : umm yeah I seen her that day we went out to eat and I went to change mel I saw her on on my way to the bathroom and I kind of told her ava been asking about her

Kmichelle : o well u should have told me

August : I know but I thought she didn't care

Kmichelle : well I dont want to talk about her anymore I am hungry tho

August : yeah me to

Then there was knock on the door and all the kids came in aj, Alison, chase and ava

Aj : mom we hungry

Everyone : yup

August : ok what yall want

Everyone : pizza

Kmichelle : ok ill order it ok

And they left the room

August : I dont want no dame pizza

Kmichelle : me either

August : chilpote or that burrito place

Kmichelle : I kinda want a burrito

August : alright ill be right back

Kmichelle : ok and im gonna order the pizza

After august cane back and I ordered the pizza we all sat down and ate as a family I love my family at the end of the day hopefully this drama with nicki will stop but for now ima in joy my family and husband till then fuck her

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