The Parents

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Me and august was having the best sex in the shower sine the twins were sleep until we heard the doorbell we had a tv in the bathroom cuz I just august likes taking shits and watching tv but anyway the security camera popped up on the tv and my mom and august mom

Kmichelle : august bae stop its our parents

August : they can wait

I got out the shower and put on a robe

Kmichelle : august get dressed ill go get the door

August : dame alright

Gose downstairs

Kmichelle : MOMMA AND MOMMA SHEILA! !!!!

angles: hey baby

Shelia : hey sweetie where is my big headed son

Kmichelle : upstairs ill go get him

I went upstairs to get august and he was dressed he had on some black sweats and a gray shorts with his jordons and a black hat and some jordons dame he look good

August : what the fuck u looking at

Kmichelle : shutup and I aint looking at nun cute

August : u and ur smart ass mouth

Kmichelle : shutup the fuck up August and ur mother looking for u

August went downstairs and I got dressed I put on some blue demin jeans annid a black shirt with some gold sandles then I went downstairs

Shelia : were my grand babies at

August : their bad asses at school but mel and Melanie up stairs sleeping

Shelia : don't be calling my grand babies bad

Angeles:right with their cute selfs

Kmichelle : don't let the cuteness fool you Alison got a smart mouth aj he quite but I watch him closely cuz them quite ones u gotta watch chase is just chase he say what he want

Shelia : but baby like aj thats how august was he was quite at first then he was a hot mess

Kmichelle : o god I pray he don't turn out to be like u

August : be quite but I think Alison gonna turn out to be just like k

Angeles: yeah she is but she just don't wanna face it

Shelia : so hows ava

August : she cool she loves k

Shelia : thats good

Angeles:so kimberly how u treating my son in law

Shelia : and august how u treating my daughter in law

Kmichelle : I treat august good mama too good

August : and I treat k good too

Shelia : thats good u guys getting along

Angeles: sweetie what happened to ur foot

Kmichelle : I fell the other day trying to do different things at once u know me mom

Angeles:yeah I do well hope u feel better

Kmichelle : yup mom I will im gonna just be in a lil boot next week instead of this cast mama where dad

Angeles:he didn't wanna come

Shelia : I know Angeles I never met her dad

Angles: ymm her dad dosent approve of august

Shelia : well there nun wrong with august yes he has his past

Angeles:yes I know but that's her father he just thinks they shouldn't be married but im happy about it so her father's opinion dosent matter

Shelia : oh ok

Good thing melvin and Melanie started crying cuz it was an awkward silence august went to go get them then we all went out to eat I swear when mama Shelia is around we have a blast ik she felt some type of way that my father dosent approve of august but I can't do nun about it so she just gonna have to get over it and I know I shouldn't have lied to my mom about my foot but I can't tell her what really cuz my mom will just over react and I don't got time for that

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