chapter 45

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I was sitting on the couch relaxing with the kids watching the movie Annie with them I love spending time with my babies their everything to me I swear I would kill for them them of course the boys didn't want to watch Annie they said it was gay and that men don't watch that stuff I laughed at them just I know they got that from August so they in there room somewhere

Alison: mommy we need more popcorn

kmichelle: OK I'm gonna go make some more

Alison: OK

as soon as I got up the doorbell rings and it was josh and his two little girls jasmine and Erica

kmichelle: hey jasmine and Erica what y'all doing here

Erica: we wanted to play with Alison and Ava

kmichelle: well there in the living room watching Annie y'all can go in there I'm just making some popcorn

Jasmine: ok

me and josh go in the kitchen

kmichelle: so what really brings u here josh

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