chapter 40

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Its been a month I haven't seen or heard from August I've been living my life working like crazzy and just taking care of my kids I still live in Atlanta and no I'm not dating I'm done for men for awhile josh has been trying to get at me but I'm just keeping us at the friend zone my kids play with his kids so so far life has been great I really don't think about August that much only when I see this dame he's my king tattoo anyway I'm on my way to momma Shelia house to pick up the kids she had kept them while I went to do a show in nc (north Carolina) now I'm back and I miss my little babies


As soon as I walked in the door the kids ran to me and hugged me and kissed Me aww they love I have when I come home I looked up and guess who I seen big head ass August I guess he was here to see the kids he didn't even speak to me and I didn't even speak to him

Shelia: so y'all ain't gonna speak to each other

We both didn't say anything

Shelia: kids go upstairs I need to talk to mommy and daddy

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