chapter 20

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I checked myself in the mirror one more time deciding if I should wear this outfit fianlly I decided one one (outfit in the multimedia) I knew gib would be here soon but where the hell is the nanny then my phone started ringing and it was my nanny

Keyshia : hello Marie

Marie:yes im sorry I can't make it I have a couple of family issues to handle

Keyshia : dame ok well thx for calling

Dame now who im gonna call

Keyshia : DJ

dj: yes mommy

Keyshia : do u wanna go with auntie k or grandma

Dj:auntie k

Keyshia : ok

So I called k and she agreed the the doorbell ringed and it was daniel

Daniel:wasup u ready

Keyshia : im ready im just watiing for k to come cuz the nanny canceled

Daniel:o alright where is.....

Dj :daddy

Daniel:wasup dj

Dj:im going with u daddy

Daniel:no u going with auntie k


Door bell rings

Kmichelle : wasup girl and hey daniel

Daniel : wasup k

Kmichelle : now where is my dj

Dj:im right here auntie k

Kmichelle : alright lets go and keyshia u look hot

Keyshia : ok thx now bye girl

Kmichell : u too love birds have fun and use protection (leaves )

Keyshia : that girl is crazy

Daniel:yeah she is so u ready

Keyshia : yeah lets go

Me and Daniel night was the best we went to this nice lobster bar called chops lobster bar it was nice we talked about alot daniel really wants me back I love him and I would take him back anytime but I can't get hurt again but we'll see cuz this date earned him a second so im gonna just take from here and sees where thid gose

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