chapter 19

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Dame im verry stressed sevyn trying to come on to me is stressing me the fuck out im trying to be faithful to k and sevyn is messing that up I might just quit working with her cuz she gonna make a nigga loose his wife and kids and I cant have that I was too caught up in my thoughts that I didn't realize k came in

Kmichelle : wasup bae

August : nun just relaxing wasup with u

Kmichelle : im actually got some meetings today abou me getting back to work

August : going back to work already

Kmichelle : yup and August u gonna have to have a meeting with trey to resolve this shit cuz he has to be in chase life

August : hell no fuck that

Kmichelle : please bae

August : ok only if u have a meeting with nicki

Kmichelle : fuck no fuck that bitch

August : ok then I ain resolving shit with

Kmichelle : come on bae itd not like im asking u to marry the nigga

August : and I aint asking u to marry her either

Kmichelle : alright dame deal

August : deal

Kmichelle : so how did the studio session go with the hoe

August : umm it went alright

Kmichelle : thats good I thought she would have tried something since I wasn't there

August : nah why u say that

Kmichelle : cuz she a hoe and she likes u

August : true but if she did try something I couldn't do it cuz I got u and I can't loose u again

Kmichelle : awe bae I can't loose u either well I gotta get going

August : alright bye

Kmichelle : and don't forget to pick up the kids from school

August : alright I wont


Im happy august got a postive mind about not loosing me again I wouldn't want to loose him agian anway I had finished up my first meeting then I got a text from keyshia saying that she wanted to come over so I went

Kmichelle : hey kc

Keyshia : hey km

Kmichelle : girl where u going all dressed up

Keyshia : on a date

Kmichelle : girl u found someone why didn't you tell me

Keyshia : no its with daniel

Kmichelle : omg ur taking him back

Keyshia : maybe I don't know yet

Kmichelle : girl u better take him back u know u love him

Keyshia : yeah I do im just hurt

Kmichelle : right I get but girl have fun I gotta go

Keyshia : where u going

Kmichelle : I got meeting back to back today and im bout to be late for this one if I don't go

Keyshia : alright girl bye

So I went to all my meetings they already want to tour then they gonna have the nerve to ask me do I mind if sevyn is a guest in one on shows I told them no but they offer 3 million but Idk yet I don't like the bitch then my phone started ringing and it was unknown I didn't answer but they called back so answer

Kmichelle : hello


Kmichelle : hello who is this

? (Slient)

Kmichelle : ok im hanging up now

I don't know who the hell is that and they just kept calling if they keep calling tomorrow im changing my number

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