chapter 7

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Today I just wanted to have a relaxing day I woke up and moved quietly trying not to wake the sleeping august I went and took a shower and then I put on a white shirt and some sweats and a hat I didn't even put on no makeup I grabbed august keys just today I felt like riding in the range rover and went to pick up some breakfast from IHOP 10 min later I got back home I put the food on the table and went upstairs to see if anyone was up I checked chase room and he was up so I told him to go down stairs I checked the other kids room and they were up so I told them to go downstairs I checked to see if august was up I herd him on the phone talking so of course me I ease dropped

August : wait what are u sure

I couldn't tell who was at the end of the other line

August : u cant do nun about about it....... alright dame im gonna have to try to explain this k ..... why because she is my wife..... alright bye

He got off the phone and I waited a couple min and walked in and pretend nun happened

August : hey bae (kisses k )

Kmichelle : (kisses back) hey umn there food breakfast downstairs

August : alright umm so I see u feeling ur self today

Kmichelle : what u mean

August : no makeup today

Kmichelle : nope why u dont like it

August : I love u look beautiful natural u should keep it that way

Kmichelle : so u trying to say im ugly with makeup

August : nah it's just that..... see u trying to start something and get a nigga trapped

Kmichelle : (laughs ) no not at all anway come eat

August : alright and umm I gotta talk to u about something latter

Kmichelle : ok

I wonder what he gonna talk to me about I hope its about the phone call because im dying to what it is about I just hope and pray that august didn't slip up again because we have been doing great and I don't need that to be ruined just next I might just never come back but im praying to god its nun like that


me and k spent the whole day with the kids we had jus got back a few min ago k was in the shower I need to tell her what that phone was about like ASAP she fianlly got out the shower and put some clothes

August : bae we need to talk

Kmichelle : ok

August : so I got a phone call earlier and they want me to go on tour for 2 more months

Kmichelle : wait what August but we promised we take time off so we can spend with the kids and each other

August : I know bae but I gotta make this money

Kmichelle : I know but im gonna miss you

August : I'm gonna miss u too but anyway we still have a couple more weeks to spend together plus south Africa

Kmichelle : yeah u right

August : o and one other thing im gonna be working with you sevyn streeter but I ain't gonna lie she has a lil crush on me

Kmichelle : august look im just trusting u to make the decision u can work with her but don't ruin this marriage over some pussy

August : alright bae I got u I promise I wont I love and the kids and I don't want to loose this family

Kmichelle : promise

August : promise


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