chapter 15

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me and k was just walking around south Africa while the kids were getting their daily education I want my kids to get an education and stay in shit I dropped out in high school and never made it to college and I don't want that for my kids so I make sure that they keep asses in school my thoughts were interrupted when k said something

Kmichelle : what u thinking about

August : o nun

Kmichelle : mmm

August : what u mean mm

Kmichelle : by what I mean mmm

I picked k up and spun her around a couple times

Kmichelle : (laughing ) boy if u dont put me down

I put her down

August : u act like u didn't injoy that

Kmichelle : and if I didn't what ur tall ass gonna do about it

August : I guess nun

As we were walking k saw this guy I guess she know

?:kimberly with the beautiful voice

Kmichelle : yes and josh right


Kmichelle : josh this is my husband august


He reached for my hand to shake but I just stand ther looking at this nigga like he crazy

Josh:well nice seeing u bye

Kmichelle : bye

Fianlly that nigga left

August : who the fuck is that

Kmichelle : the day I took that walk and took a break and sat on a bench I guess I was singing out out and he came and sat next to me

August : mmm did yall exchange numbers

Kmichelle : no august and u didn't have to be rude

August : im gonna be rude to any nigga that talks to my queen

Kmichelle : (kisses august ) and ill be rude to any bitch that's talks to my king

August : ok mrs I fight to much im gonna go to therapy

Kmichelle : I am but if a bitch talking crazzy im gonna run up on her

August : ur crazy but I love u for that

Kmichelle : I love u to but u only love me cuz im crazy how about cuz im the best wife in the whole world

August : nah cuz u got the best pussy in the whole world

Kmichelle : shut up u are so Nasty thats why ww got so many kids now

August : yeah u right but we trying for another boy to many girls

Kmichelle : no the hell we aint u better go to the fucking adoption angecy

August : hell no but I guess never mind

Kmichelle : dame right never mind but I do want to talk

We went and sat on the bench

August : ok talk

Kmichelle : ive been thinking im ready to go back to work I mean traveling with u and u being on the road made me miss being on the road and doing what I love

August : ok so what we gonna do about the kids cuz chase can't go back with ur mom cuz he going to school here

Kmichelle : he has a dad august

August : I told u I dont want that nigga around

Kmichelle : I know but chase needs both of his parents its like me keeping the kids away from u and we are broken up

August : ill think about but for the rest of the kids

Kmichelle : were gonna have to hire a nanny and ava has a mom maybe u can talk to her

August : alright I guess but anyway lets go back

I kinda don't want k to go back to work cuz I love her traveling with me and being a stay at home mom and wife but I know she loves singing and thats her job and thats how she makes her money even tho I can take care of us but she gonna do what she gonna do anway so I just went along with it even tho I don't like her decision


I cant wait to get back to work I miss it so much even tho I love being home with the kids and being a wife but its time to get back to what I love second witch is my career and august just gonna deal with it cuz once I come back im probably gonna have shows on top of shows and me and august probably won't hardly see each other but he dose the same thing so o well but for now im gonna deal with that later amd just spend the rest of the week with my family and worry about that later

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