chapter 13

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Today I felt like getting some air and clear my mind off of what happened last night I swear im a mess I fight way too much maybe its time to settle down I wanna be a good example for my kids I dont want them to think violence is always the answer maybe I see someone about my anger or do some yoga I yeard that helps anyway I got up and did my hygiene stuff and but a blank short sleeve shirt with some pink and black shorts im glad august wasn't up cuz these shorts really hug my butt but shit everything hugs my butt I can't help so he just gonna have to deal with it I put on my pink Nike sneakers and grabbed my phone and card key so I can get back in the hotel august moved a lil so hurried up and checked on the kids and left as I was jogging thes guys were trying to talk and holler at me but I just didn't pay them any attition I git tired and sat down on a bench and I started singing my song god I get it I put my head phones on so I could listen to it

Always loving what don't love me
Put my trust in things I don't need
My poor heart should be mad at me
I just leave my wounds to bleed

Haven't I learned anything
You showed me signs to help me see
But I love so blindly
I'm taking full responsibility

God I get it
I'm a mess & I admit it... whoa
I keep learning the same lessons
While I'm missing out on blessings
God I get it... whoa whoa

I stopped singing when I felt someone sitting next to me dame he was fine

?: why did u stop singing u sound beautiful mam

Kmichelle : thankyou and the name is kimberly

?: nice to meet u kimberly the the name is josh

Kmichelle : well nice to meet u josh well I gotta go home to my husband

Josh : mm I hope he treating u right cuz u sure are a beautiful wowmen

Kmichele : yes he is and thank you well bye

Josh: bye kimberly with a nice voice and beautiful body

Kmichelle : ok thx and u have a nice day too

I went to grab a bit to eat then I finish my walk back to the hotel when I got back there august wasn't there but the kids was expect ava and Alison

Kmichelle : chase were did august go

Chase:over to chris brown hotel

Kmichelle : and he didn't take yall

Chase:he was gonna leave us all here with travis but ava and Alison begged to

Kmichelle : where is travis

Chase: he said he was going to the vending machine

Kmichelle : oh ok

Then travis walked in

Travis: What's Up K

Kmichelle : don't what's up me don't Be leaving my kids by they self

Travis: my bad but it was olny for second

Kmichelle : mm ok well ill be right back im go over to chris house

Travis:u might wanna change cuz u know August gonna say something about them little ass shorts u got on

Kmichelle : yeah u right umm travis


Kmichelle : do u think I fight alot and always angry

Travis:well u do fight alot and u can get angry so yeah why u ask

Kmichelle : just wondering

Travis:o ok

I took a shower and put on a long dress with no sleeve and did my make up and straight my hair then I went to christ room I knocked on the door and he answered

Kmichelle : hey chris is august here

Chris:hey umm yeah come in

August : wasup bae what u doing here

Ava/Alison : mommy

Kmichelle : hey girls and I came to get the girls Im gonna taking the kids out for some food and ice cream u wanna come

August : naw im good yall can go

Kmichelle : ok

August : umm k were did u go this morning

Kmichelle : for a lil walk

August : o ok

Kmichelle : well I see u later ill be back in time for ur performance

After spending time with the kids I went to august performance and then we all went out for a lil I didn't really party and drink that I just wasn't in the mood idk why after we went out I came back home took a shower and put on my pjs and layed down I felt august get in the bed

August : bae u ok u really wasn't doing to much today

Kmichelle : im fine

August : are u sure

Kmichelle : august do u think I have a problem with fighting anger do u think I fight to much

August : I feel like u do fight alot and u might have anger issues why u ask

Kmichelle : cuz I feel like im always fighting and always yelling that's not what i want ppl to think of me or I don't want to set that example for our kids I feel I need help or nees to talk to someone

August : well I feel like ur a great mother and wife yeah u do fight alot and that kinda effects our relationship but if u feel like u need help u should do it

Kmichelle : thanks for being honest bae I love u for that

August : I love u too but u know what else I would love

Kmichelle : what August

August : (tugs on k panties) this

Kmichelle : boy bye

August : come on bae

Kmichelle : u have a hand so use it goodnight

August : man whatever

I heard august get up and I laughed to myself that boy is trip anyway I think when we get back home im gonna go see doctor barba I think I really do need help


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