chapter 58

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I was bout to go in my in home gym when there was a knock on the door Dame every time I get ready to do something someone always distraction me anyway I answerd it and it was my sis Latoya and her husband Adam and her daughter samia

Latoya: heyy sissy

Kmichelle: hey what are u doing here and hey Adam

Latoya: don't act like u ain't happy to see me

Kmichelle: I am I'm just surprised

Latoya: ur sister just can't pop up and see you

Kmichelle: what u want latoya

Latoya: nun

Kmichelle: Adam what does ur wife

Adam: ( laughs) man I don't know but where august we need some men up in here

Kmichelle: at his house where he should be but I'll call him to come over

Adam: OK thanks

Kmichelle: so Latoya what is it

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