chapter 17

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August : bae why u got thar shirt on

Kmichelle : what its not to short its not too tight

August : (laughs ) it says bully deez nuts

Kmichelle : yup and

August : yeah don't yell at the kids when they read ur shirt

Kmichelle : whatever

August : matter of fact ALISON

Alison : yes daddy

August : what dose mommy shirt say

Alison : it says bully and thats a bad word on the back

August : how u know that

Alison : cuz a boy got kicked out my class for saying that

August : ( laughs )

Kmichelle : august that is not funny

Alison : daddy ur Imature just like the kids in my class

Kmichelle : (laughs ) now that's funny

Alison : mommy are we going anywhere today

Kmichelle : yess baby what you wanna do today

Alison : umm the park where the rides are

Kmichelle : amusement park

Alison : yeah that

Then everyone else came in the room

Aj : did I hear amusement park

Kmichelle : yes u did thats where we going today

Ava : yes

Chase:but I ain't going on no baby rides

Aj : right me either

Ava : hey we are not babies

Alison : right stupid

August : yall cut that out what I told yall

Everyone : im brother and sister keeper

August : exactly now everyone go get ready so we can go

Kmichelle : august u are suck a Imature ass

August : but u like my Imature ass thats why u married me

Kmichelle : no I married u cuz I felt bad for u

August : whatever

Then august phone started to ring and it was sevyn

Kmichelle : why the fuck is she calling you when the hoe know we on vacation

August : I dont know

Kmichelle : well im answering it..... hello

Sevyn : hi Kmichelle how are u

Kmichelle : im good and u

Sevyn : im good umm is august there

Kmichelle : hold on im gonna see if he is available..... oh im sorrt he not available at this time but ill let him know that u callled

Sevyn : ok thankyou(hangs up)

August : now what u do that for

Kmichelle : cuz we on vacation and she don't need to be calling

August : ur a trip u know that

Kmichelle : yup and idgaf but lets take a selfie and post it on Instagram


I cant stand that bitch Kmichelle or kimberly whatever the fuck her name is she talking about August aint available when there was a pic of them on his Instagram like after 2 minutes I talked to him but her little feeling gonna get hury when august is in this pussy and im screaming his name and can't wait till I seduce him anyway let me get back to work

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