Chapter 21

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So I just found out im have two shows in Miami and then another in new york and Toronto so im gonna be gone for about a week now I have to tell august cuz im leaving in a week or two today I was picking up the girls and august was picking up the boys I guess he wanted to spend time with his sons and yes including chase august treats chase like he is his own just like I treat ava like she my own I went into McDonald's to get something to eat when I saw josh but this time he had two little girls with him but like is this nigga following me

Josh: kimberly

Kmichelle : josh umm are u following me

Josh: no umm I live here

Kmichelle : oh ok so those are ur daughters

Josh:and those are urs

Kmichelle:yes they are

Josh:so maybe one day they can have a play date together

Kmichelle : josh im happily married with children

Josh: I know but just friends like my daughter ur daughter get together and have fun as friends

Kmichelle : ok fine

Josh:ok and kmichelle I was hoping maybe u can help plan my daughter birthday party

Kmichelle : so u do know who I am

Josh:yeah I just didn't want to come off as a crazy fan

Kmichelle : ok I see I got a fan in the house but just one question can't ur baby momma help u plan ur daughter birthday party

Josh: umm no she left me and my kids to be some nigga named tony he aint even famous he just works at a baby store and a bank but of course she think he got

Kmichelle : o umm well look at there a man rasing his children all by himself I like that

Josh:well thx and we can start planning whenever

Kmichelle : ok

Josh:well bye

Kmichelle : bye


after McDonald's me and the girls had fun we went to monkey joes and we saw august and boys there of course we would find him there cuz they love that place then we left and went to get our toes done Im finally home and now I have tell august im leaving in a week I took a shower and put on my pjs then august did the same I put the kids to bed then went and me and august room

August : wasup bebby

Kmichelle : umm nun much

August : mmm

Kmichelle : what

August : o nun

Kmichelle : ok ok well I talked to my manager and im leaving in a week

August : for what and where

Kmichelle : im doing a couple of shows two in Miami and one in new york and one in Toronto

August : dame babe that ain't a couple

Kmichelle : I know bae but im ready to get back on the road

August : yeah I understand so u gonna be gone for like a week

Kmichelle : or two are u gonna be able to handle these kids

August : yeah I guess

Kmichelle :(baby voice) aww my hubby wubby is sad that his wifey is leaving

August : (laughs ) nope im gonna throw a kimberly is gone party

Kmichelle : (laughs ) goodnight

August : goodnight

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