Chapter 4

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I was sitting in the studio at home with travis and jamal he had come into town to chil with his bros I was bout to lay down some lyrics when I heard a soft knock on the door and I knew it had to be one of the kids cuz I know dame sure k dont knock that soft

August : come in

Ava : hi daddy hi uncle boobie hi uncle j

Thats what chay kay and mya call him so it just passed along

Jamal/travis:hey bebby girl

Ava : daddy can we talk

August : sure

I nodded my head to signal for my brothers to give us a min and they left I took ava and

August : wasup baby girl talk to me

Ava : daddy why dosent mommy come see me anymore dose she still love me

Ava is now 7 and she getting to age and she starting to realize stuff I knew this question was gonna come but not this soon shit I ain't even prepared idk if nick love her or not but she just little so im gonna have to lie cuz she can't take the truth yet I opened my mouth to speak but I couldn't find the words I guess I took to long to say something cuz ava started crying

Ava :(crying) she doesn't dose she

August : no baby girl she dose

Ava : its. ok dad u don't have to lie for her

Next thing I know she ran out the studio this shit took me back to when my bro melvin died and the girls had questions I couldn't answer I came out the studio and k and travis and jamal was in the kitchen talking

Kmichelle : august whats wrong with ava

August : she asking questions about nicki and why she doesn't come see her and dose she love her and I couldn't answer her

Travis:this shit takes u back to mel and the kids

August : hell yeah man

Kmichelle : ill try to go talk to her

August : thx bae

Kmichelle : np


even tho I don't like nicki but im not involing the child in that I know she hurting I used to situation cuz I had talk to Alison and aj about this when me and aug broke I went upstairs and knock on ava door

Ava : yes

Kmichelle : can I come in

Ava : sure

Kmichelle : are u ok

Ava : no my mom dosent love me

As much as I wanted to say hell no she just left u hanging like a piece of string but she little so I just had to make up something real quick

Kmichelle : sweetie no ur mom loves u she just thinks u in be better off with ur dad that ur dad can do a better job then her

Ava : I love my dad and love living here with u and brothers and sisters but I just miss my mom

Kmichelle : I trust and believe ur mom misses u to I bet ur mom thinks about u everyday she just scared

Ava : yeah I guess

Kmichelle : how about we have a girls day we do a lil shopping get ours nails done and toes painted and get our hair done

Ava : ok umm mrs kimberly

Kmichelle : yes sweetie and u can call me k

Ava : do u mind if I call u mom or momma k I just will make me feel a lil better

Kmichelle : yes sweetie u can now get ready so we can have some fun

Ava : ok

I walked to me and august room and got my keys and put my shoes on and jacket since I was already dressed and went downstairs and ava was already downstairs I decided to take Alison with me so her and ava can get to know each other better

August : where yall going

Kmichelle : out

August : out where

Kmichelle : somewhere ur not going august

August : foreal where u going and aren't u forgetting something

Kmichelle : we going shopping and to get our hair and nails done if u must know August and what am im forgetting

August : o ok and the rest of the kids

Kmichelle : dont they have a father

August : yeah

Kmichelle : exactly

Jamal and travis was laughing as I was walking out the door I heard august say

August : so yall think this shit funny nigga shit I had plans

I just laughed and kept walking and we and the girls left

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