A new day!

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Things to look out for:
Y/n = your name
F/n = friend's name

ok that's it!

Your Pov

I heard an annoying alarm started blaring through my ears, I squinted my eyes and looked at the time; it was 8:00 am. I'm going for my, er.. uh, job! I sighed annoyingly and get up from my bed.

"I should've slept earlier last night.. God damn it!"

I said and quickly fixing my bed, kinda pissed.

*time skip*

I finally dress up and looked myself in the mirror, I wore a pair sweater and black dress pants. I looked down smiled,

"Damn do I look good!" I said overjoyed.

I'm now excited for my new job, but I'm also a bit worried about how it'll turn out, since I'm a bit tired but I'm sure I'll be okay when I head out for a coffee real quick.

*time skip*

I entered the building without hesitation, I saw the lady and head over to greet her.

"Hello ma'am!" I greeted the lady.

"Hello Y/n, I see you're on time."

"I know! I was honestly worried I was going to be late but I managed, haha!"

"Well you must've been really relieved, you're ready for the interview..?"

I heard my phone buzzing, I held it and checked, it's F/n. I then looked at her.

"I'm sorry but I'm going to have to take this, it won't be long I promise!" I laughed nervously and went somewhere and picked up my phone.


"Hey Y/n! Your in a interview??"

"Where did you think I was?? you really couldn't call me sooner huh? I'm in the middle of the interview! Well, I'm about to right now..."

"Ooohh.. right right my bad, call me when you're done! I'm watching Squid Game episode 2, it's so good!"

"I'm sure it is.. bye!" I closed my phone quickly and went to the office.

"I'm back, miss."

"Have a seat please miss Y/n."
I made my way towards the rolling chair and sat down, I suddenly had the urge to swing around but I sat still.

"Let's get started, so what motivates you to wanting be here?"

"Oh I'm good at this kind of stuff, I help children since I'm like a child myself! Even tho I'm a bit over the age of any child but still, I'm still like a child in a adults body and I'm good with children!" I smiled and started rolling the chair around.

"Okay ma'am, I hope you're taking this seriously, you're really going to help out the kids at the orphanage? Do you think that's hard or.."

"Nah, I think it'll be easy, what can go wrong? Hehe!"
I giggled, knowing I looked silly.

"Sorry but I think I'm putting this on hold.."

"Wait.. what?"

"I don't wanna seem rude but you seem a bit immature, totally was not expecting to see you being all friendly and child like so suddenly."

"But that's how I'm usually am tho.. ._."

"I'm sorry... Y/n.."

After hearing that, I stood up, "ridiculous, utterly ridiculous!"
I walked out of the office, disappointed.

"Where did I go wrong..? Is it that bad for some people be behave like a kid despite their age? I mean, I still do what adults usually do but I still feel like a kid in heart."
I sighed and went back home.

As I'm heading to door, I checked my mail to see there's letters poking from inside.
"Huh? Why didn't they close it properly?"

I opened the mailbox and saw a strange letter, I didn't open it yet, as I didn't feel like reading right now.

I layed down in my bed and stared at the ceiling. I dialed F/n about what happened.

"Hey F/n.."

"So how was it?"

"It didn't work out.."

"Really?? Well that was fast.. let me guess, you act like a weirdo?"

"What the frick do you mean bruh? I'm just being myself! Nothing wrong with that right?"

"I mean, yeah.. but still, so what are your plans right now anyway?"

"I don't know but I didn't wanna work at the orphanage anyway, I wanted to at first but now I didn't feel like doing it.. but I still wanna help the kids tho.."

"Aw.. anyways, wanna watch Squid Ga-"

"I'll have to go now, bye.."

"To where exactly?"

"To SLEEP!" I hang the call and went back to bed. I remembered the letter I picked up from the mail earlier. As I take out the letter from my pocket. I saw a familiar red flower and read;

"Everyone thinks the staff disappeared 10 years ago, we're still here. Find the flower."

'..what? I used to work in this place before. I remember this toy factory but wasn't it abandoned now? I still wonder to this day what happened, I had all my vivid memories of that place.. God, the facility was pretty huge too.'
I said in my head.

I decided to go to the factory by 5pm as I have nothing to do at the moment so me being the ex worker, why not?

"So many memories, I wish I could go back there, and also being a kid again.." I said to myself and then back to sleep, with the letter still clutching onto my hands.

Authors note

Hope you like this chapter so far! I know nothing interesting has happened yet but it's the first chapter u know 😌 I haven't been writing a book in a long time so forgive me if the writing is still bad 😝

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