Cuddles and kisses

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credit to artist @Sansdyy on Twitter

Your Pov

I slowly opened my eyes tiredly, blinking twice before I adjusted my eyes to the lighting of the room I was in. It was mostly dark, but a light source came from overhead.

"Oof.. what happened..?" It didn't feel like I was asleep for too long..? It felt recent. I glance around to see I'm in a room I've never been to before.

"Huh.. so it's not a dream.." I looked around the room and saw I'm in a bed, the bed is quite comfy and fluffy..

"Oh, you're awake!" I frantically spun my head to see Huggy Wuggy was sitting right next to me.

"W-WHAT THE- When did you appear???" I blurted out, my eyes dilated, is it because of him why my bed feels so comfy?

"S-Sorry! I didn't mean to freak you out, I.. was ahh.. sleeping next to you because you wouldn't let me go when I carried you, so um.. yeah.. hehe," I started to feel my face heating up.

"And.. I took care of your minor leg injury while you were sleeping.." He pointed to my leg and I opened the bedsheet and saw that my leg was bandaged quite nicely.

"Why.. why.. are you being.. SO NICE?!" I said and buried my face into his fluffy chest. He's.. too good for this world-

"Because... I like you." As soon as I heard him say that, my face became more red than before. I covered my face with both of my hands in embarrassment. I can't believe I'm feeling this way for a mascot character.

"Are you alright Y/n..?" Huggy said in a worried tone

"Y-Yes! I am.. thank you Huggy." I looked at his head, it seemed like the bleeding has stopped, but I still feel like I should help him since he helped me.

"Hey Huggy, could you come here for a sec?" I lean closer and stare at him, making him grow quite nervous. I reached for his shoulder then pulled his head down and kissed him on the head.

I feel like he deserved that. It's the only way to make him feel better and myself.

Huggy paused then touched his head where I kissed him and looks at me with his eyes sparkling. 'Damn, he's so cute..!'

Huggy laughed then layed down next to me on bed. I was slightly shocked but I started to feel comfortable. I began to feel myself being wrapped up on Huggy's warm embrace. I giggled and I let him kiss my face. We were both cuddling together.

'I almost forgot, why did I come here again? Something about.. finding a flower?'

My thoughts were interrupted by a buzzing noise, we stopped cuddling and Huggy looks at me confused. I stood up and scanned my pockets to check my phone, surprisingly it still has battery left, just barely.

"I-It's F/n!" I exclaimed.

"Who..?" Huggy questions.

I looked at him and smiled. "Don't worry, it's just my friend, they've must've been wondering where I am for the past hours!"

"Huh.. okay.." He said and crosses his arms, slightly upset.

I rolled my eyes playfully and picked up the phone.

"Y/n? Where were you?? I've been calling like three times now!"

'Oh boy..'

"Oh, you did? I already called you before! And I was.. knocked out for a while.." I awkwardly said while looking at Huggy, who seemed a bit mad at F/n as to why they were yelling.

"Wait really? Who knocked you out bruh? I knocked on your door and you weren't answering, are you not on your home right now?"

How do I tell them that I'm in a partially abandoned factory that I used to work at? Would they freak out since I haven't told them before going? And I met this creature who is somehow alive.. would they believe me?? I know it sounded ridiculous and I'm weird but still!

I took a deep breath. "I'm inside the Playtime factory..."


There was an awkward silence between us for a few seconds.


"Yep, you heard that right. "

"What are you doing in there? I thought the place was closed?"

"Well... you know I used to work in this place before, since I'm an employee, well, an ex employee but STILL. I received a letter regarding the factory and I don't know who sent it to me.. maybe it was one of the staff members? I'm not sure.. so now I'm here and I'm kind of lost." I mumbled off.

"Do you think you can get back home though? It's already late and I'm worried about you, aren't you alone in ther-"

My friend's voice was cut off abruptly. I looked at my phone to see the screen turned black. I figured that my phone battery ran out.

"Damn it!" I whisper yelled. I looked at Huggy who was listening to our conversation.

"So.. umm.. how much did you hear?"

Huggy's broad shoulders loosened a bit.
"About enough.. your friend sounded worried for you.. huh, You know, I was worried about you too... I haven't seen your face in years.. and, you were always so nice to me back then.. I thought you'd forgotten about me, you were my favorite employee, did you know that..?"

I never thought Huggy Wuggy would actually feel this way around me, I wonder what does he see in me.. am I special to him?

Nonetheless, my eyes glittered in relief. "Aww.. Huggy?? I never forgot about you! You have always been my favorite toy and that has never changed." And with that, I felt myself being picked up by Huggy. I frozed when he kissed me on the cheek.

"I am so glad.." He said, pulling me down on the bed.

I giggled and then we both cuddled and kissed eachother playfully.

When I look up at him, he'd look back at me, and smiling even wider. Despite his wide sharp set of teeth, his kisses were surprisingly soft and caring, so much that my heart started to swell with love..

He began kissing me all over my neck, shoulder and jaw. My face becomes a blushing mess. Huggy held me close, cradling my body and playing with my hair.

I laid my head on his fluffy chest and felt his arms twisting around my body. He snuggled with me and I can clearly hear him purring. I felt so small under his warmth and strength.

'He's like a gentle giant protector...' I thought and slowly closed my eyelids.


'But I still wonder though.. what exactly did the scientists do to him?'

Was the last thought I had before I gradually fall asleep in Huggy's arms.

Author's notes

Huggy wuggy? more like cuddly wuggy boiii I hope dis chapter seem wholesome enough and yeah..
that escalated 😳

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