What happen?

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art by me ☝️

F/n Pov

My head hurt like hell like I had a massive headache.

"Ugh... my head..." I groaned, wait, what happened? I looked around and saw I was in a 'Make a friend' room. I remember this part of place where I see toys were made inside the machines... but I don't remember how I ended up being in here?

'What the hell...' The last thing I remembered was Kissy Missy knocked me out and somehow I'm here on the conveyor belt? Where... did she go?

"She didn't... kill me..?" I quietly said to myself.

I still couldn't move my body though, I think she left an impact on me when she knocked me out. I still couldn't find Y/n. Damn.. what the hell is going on in this factory?

I closed my eyes and drift to sleep, hoping that it was a dream, a nightmare. I hear footsteps then I began to feel my body being picked up but I was too tired to care.

*few hours later*

I hear voices, more like some kind of conversation but I couldn't hear them clearly as my head still feels somewhat dizzy.

"Wait... you sure they're always like this?"

"Shhh... They're sleeping."

"Hm, so I guess they're a pretty heavy sleeper huh?"

"Yeah! that's my friend.."

"SHUT UP!" I screamed. I don't know who these voices are but I'm trying to sleep.

"Hm? F/n?"

Hearing that voice, that voice I'm familiar with. I jolted myself up quickly and looked at what's in front of me.


I saw Huggy Wuggy, Y/n, and Kissy Missy all together staring at me. I looked down to see I'm in a bed and in a room, I've never been to before.


"Hey, F/n it's okay! There's no need to raise your voice like that.. these are, well, they're my friends!" Y/n said pointing to Huggy and Kissy. I sat there with a confused but still shocked face.

Huggy waved at me, smiling. "Hi... You've probably recognized me.

Kissy waved at me, smiling with her teeth exposed. "I'm Kissy Missy! And I'm pretty sure I've seen face before. So.. be grateful that I didn't like... you know, kill you!"

Y/n looks down at me, smiling warmly while holding Huggy's hand. I waved slightly. I didn't know what to say, how are they alive? Hearing them having actual voices and realizing this isn't a dream... this... this is way too much for my brain to process.

"What's.. going on...?" I said, my eyes still locked onto Kissy and Huggy's eyes.

Y/n closed her eyes and inhaled. "I know you're in a state of shock, so let me explain..."

*earlier that time*

2nd Pov

Y/n and Huggy rushed to the 'Make a friend' room and saw a pink mascot character carrying an unconscious body. Y/n recognized the body the creature was holding and screamed.

"W-WAIT!" Y/n extends her arm at the creature.

The creature turns its back slowly and looks at Y/n and... her brother?

Huggy wuggy x readerWhere stories live. Discover now