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art by me

Huggy wuggy Pov

How long has it been since I'm locked in here? Has it really been ten years? I looked at the ceiling, boredom sketched on my mind, I huddled myself and looked over at my own poster. There were so many posters of me where I had a different variety of professions. "Looking at myself has become tedious..." I said aloud.

I stand up and saw one of the boxes which had a mini doll version of me. I picked it up and opened it. I already opened a lot of them as time goes by.

I sighed, deciding on what I should do, I don't know how big is this factory despite me living here in ten years.. but I know there had to be a certain flower named Poppy. I still couldn't find her, but I can hear her voice.

I made my way to the TV and watched the Poppy commercial. It's not my first time watching it. Poppy is still somewhere around here inside this factory and I'm still waiting to see if anything happens. I shall wait here until the day it happens.


My thoughts interrupted abruptly by a sudden sound. I quickly hid somewhere and try to find what would have done it.

I slowly peeked at the wall and saw a certain someone came in, I haven't seen anyone come inside the factory in a long time so this was surprising to see.

She's got silky (h/c) hair.. I think I've seen someone with the same colored hair before this place went down.. why does she look so familiar..?

She approached closely and I lowered my head down the desk without being noticed. I heard a click and VCR tape started playing. I carefully looked at her, it seems that she doesn't suspect me as her (e/c) eyes were glued on TV. I get a good view of her. She's cute but.. is that really who I know I think it is..?

She went to the other room and tried unlocking the color code. I watched her carefully. 'Why did she come here?'

I sneakily went past to the other room without making any noise. I went to Playtime co. and stand still, smiling with my hand up. If she comes here, she'll think I'm a statue.

*time skip*

She looks at me, I tried not to look at her as I can feel her eyes scanning me. She has the same grab pack like before. I am positive that this was the ex employee. She scanned the blue handprint. I grabbed the key elsewhere quickly and held up without her noticing as she was being distracted by the sound of electric.

She turns her head towards me and saw that I have the keys. "What the heck??" I heard her spoke.

I remained my posture. She took the keys from my hand and looked at me one last time before going inside the power room. Time passes while she's fixing the power, now this is my chance to hide elsewhere. I quickened my pace while being quiet and hid somewhere in the factory. I went to the hallway and hear her freaking out. I turned my head peeking at the door. She's freaking out because I had left my position. She started walking down the hallway I was at. I slowly left to the door but I think there's a high chance she saw me.

As I was hiding, she walked past me in the dark hallway without noticing me but she looked so nervous. I followed her. 'I wanna know what she's up to..'

I began stalking her every move.

Author's notes

I know this is kinda short but who do you think who huggy wuggy is?
Was he a human before turning into a creature? I'm curious 🤔

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