Make a friend

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art by me

3rd Person Pov

*time skip while inside vent*

You looked every nook and cranny for some secrets but couldn't find any, you didn't like the claustrophobic feel inside, you felt relieved when you found the end of the tunnel. You suddenly felt a strong presence that something is looking at you. You looked behind to see there's nothing, but yow saw a few toy pieces came tumbling down the conveyor belt.

"Erm.. what?" You said. Since when did you see toys inside the vent? Realization hit you quickly and you dashed your way outside of the vent.

As you landed on your feet, you heaved and panted. Something was definitely in there with you. Whoever it was, it was stalking you.

You quickly brushed that thought off and look around the area. There were three levers. 'This seems like make a friend room..' You closer inspected the place.

You read the button that says needs power in red letters. "Great.." You irritated.

You heard a loud thud, you quickly looked back and saw nothing. 'Yep, somethings definitely stalking me..' You said, gripping your gear tightly.

You stayed cautious and then proceed to head upstairs to turn the power on.

On your way, you saw a pink VHS tape, you picked it up and find a TV and insert inside the VCR. The audio started to play.

"So Stella, what made you want to work at the Playtime Co. Factory?"

"Playing with toys when I was young.. was so magical. I could go straight from my bedroom floor to anywhere in the world. It was such a great feeling, and being able to work at a toy factory somewhere that can provide kids with that same experience? That's a pretty great feeling too! Sometimes tho.. I really wish I could go back, to being a kid I mean,"

'An interview application?' You thought. This woman does seem similar to you, though you think she's being a 'little' too much.

"And it's weird because adults are just kids but older. I don't think anyone ever really feels like an adult. Your body gets older and older.. and then you die, poof!

'Bruh.. is she serious..'

"Human bodies just can't stay young forever, there's things though like some trees that can stay alive even while being wayy older than the person, I mean, the oldest people to ever live are still younger than those. So I guess everyone is young relative to something, right..?"

"..Alright I think we're getting a little off track."

'Yep, I think I've heard enough.' The audio stopped and you went back turning the power on.

You don't know why but your getting bad vibes from Stella. She's a little weird but you guess she's probably innocent.

*time skip*

"Finally, dang I'm so exhausted, how long have I been in here?" You bring your phone back up and saw it was already past 9pm.

"Holy shit! Has it really been that long?" You decided to call F/n. Few minutes passed and they didn't pick it up.

"Shit." You said, feeling a bit fraustrated. You also have no phone signal because of this place. You also have a semi low battery left so this was already not looking so okie dokie for you. You already can't go back and you probably won't remember where you came from so that sucks for you.

You head downstairs to activate the red button since the power is back on.
"I guess it's time to make a friend.." You said and pushed the lever.




"Why is it not workin-"

You screamed, you looked over at the machines and they started roaring. Just not literally. "Holy shit!" That really scared you.

Some of the machines look out place, one of them look like a train with eyes staring at you. You could feel their eyes following you intently. You ignore it and speed walk towards the three levers.

You pulled all the levers and saw a toy that's being made while being in a conveyor belt, while waiting, you saw the toy is being colored and polished.
"Is that supposed to be a.. Bumble bee cat?" You said, intrigued.

Your toy is complete and you picked it up. "It's quite cute.."

You looked at the gate, you assumed that was the hallway but locked. It has a poster of Huggy wuggy saying; 'Nobody leaves without a toy.'

"Awe.. that's so cute.." You looked to your right and put your toy at the toy scanner. Once the scanning is complete, you carry your toy back and the hallway gate opened.

You looked at the main hall and it was dark.. very dark, so dark you could barely make out what was in there. There were two doors from left to right. You sighed and went to try opening to two doors, both of them were locked. You sighed and your only option now was to go at the dark hallway. You suddenly had a weird premonition and you don't like it.

"Do I really have to..?" You said and slowly walked towards the hall.

As you get closer, you could hear breathing, you look up to see a certain blue creature, creepily towering over you, he's teeth was wide and sharp, you gasped and screamed.

Author's notes

Finally something spicy! Just wanna cut to the chase already, sorry if u guys find the previous chapters boring 00f-

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