You'll be okay

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credit to artist @Sansdyy on Twitter

Huggy Wuggy's Pov

I stay hidden inside the dark hallway, I can hear Y/n talking to herself as if she was think that she's alone. I can hear the loud noises erupting from the machines of 'Make a friend.' I'm waiting for her to scan her toy that she just made, as all co workers must create a toy before leaving the hallway gate.

Once I heard the toys' being scanned, the gate opened. There I can see her.. clear as daylight, though she looks frightened whether wanting to go in the hallway or not, I stepped closer to her. She started to freak out and screamed.. She dropped her toy and ran away from me.

As she was heading inside the vent, I quickly picked up the toy she dropped and find a shortcut to meet her in the vent.

I popped out of the vent and saw Y/n, she screams and ran as fast as she could. 'I've never seen anyone being this so scared before..'

I chased after her.. I'm not letting her get away from me. 'I have to see her... I-I MUST SEE HER!'

During our chase, Y/n was trapped in a dead end. She looked at me, I grabbed her leg, preventing her to go any further but she unexpectedly kicked me in the head. I growled in pain. I touched my head with my palm and saw it was bleeding.

I looked at Y/n and saw the door beginning to open in front of her. "W-wait.! Don't leave me!" I called out to her with my hand extending, but she didn't seem to hear me..

The door closed in front of me. I tried breaking it with my fists. I began banging the door desperately, I really needed to see her.

I knew that at the moment I first encountered her, to think I have discovered something.. that she may be the solution to my existence, my freedom.. and learning what it means to be alive in this.. body.. a body you are in a trapped in where you lack of freedom... and that is exactly what I'm feeling right now, if she leaves, there won't be hope for me..

The door eventually opened, I ran but I could no longer see her.

Still, I crawl as fast I could, I can sense that she is near, I hope she's still okay.
I made it to door but it locked. I can hear her screaming behind. I busted the door down with all my might.

I saw Y/n trembling.. who is hanging from a ledge? Her grab pack was not on her. I calmed down and went closer to her.

"H-help me.. please!" I heard her spoke.. her voice is full of pity.

I hesitated, if she actually wants me to help her, why did she run away from me?

"I-I wanna live.." She almost slipped but I quickly ran to her and I manage to grab her in time. She looks at me with her (e/c) orbs startled, which made me get a better feel of her. I grabbed her wrist with all my strength and pull her up.

I closed my eyes and pulled her into a tight embrace, I didn't feel like wanting to let go our hug, I soon let go of her and our eyes locked together. I felt something sparked between us, I'm not sure what it was but seeing Y/n alive and well.. it makes me happy.

*time skip*

"By the way.. you dropped this" I grabbed her toy she made and handed to her.

She looks at me and back at the toy. "Thank you.." She smiled.

I smiled back.

We talked for a while, she wonders about who I am, I didn't wanna talk about that right now.. it brings bad memories..

She cupped my face with both of her hands and looked at me in the eyes, I slightly blushed at the sudden movement.

"Are you okay Huggy? You can tell me.. since you're alive." I avert my gaze, not sure what to say.

"You've got blood on you.. are you a real person?" I inhaled and looked down.

"The scientists.. they've done things to me.. I'd rather not talk about." I turned my head back to Y/n, she nods her head and lets me go.

Maybe I'll tell her when the time is right.

Y/n suddenly yelped in pain and stumbled down. I saw her legs bleeding and it's not so looking good.

I rushed to her and knelt down to her level. "O-oh no! I didn't think I'd hurt you this bad!" I said, already feeling anxious.

"I-I think I'm f-fine.." She gave me a faint smile.

I got up on my two legs and pouts at her. "No you're not! You won't be standing up for while, I should help you.."

Y/n looks at me a bit perplexed but she doesn't have a choice, she couldn't even stand up properly. I hugged her waist and carried her on my back. I'll have to treat her wounds later when we get back to the lower floor.

"Thank you Huggy.." I hear her spoke softly behind me. I can feel her shoulders raise and lower with her breathing behind my back.

'Already alseep?' I smiled and continued to carry her small tired body and find a place where she can sleep.

"Don't worry Y/n, you'll be okay.."

Author's  notes

Ok so this chapter was not so different like the last chapter but with Huggy's pov.
I'm working on the next chapter where things can hopefully get better.
Pls be patient with me cuz schools been kicking ass-

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