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Your Pov

I looked up and saw no one other than Huggy Wuggy himself, his mouth was open along with multiple sharp teeth with saliva trickling down from his mouth. I screamed and ran away from him, I accidentally dropped my toy from earlier but it was not worth it at a time like this. I looked behind to see him bending down the door way and walking towards me. I looked around frantically and saw a vent opened. "Oh no.."

I'm tired of vents at this point but I didn't wanna die so I quickly crawled inside the vent and crawled as fast as my legs can carry. I can hear him and the noises he makes inside the vent. "Oh God! Is he inside with me already??"

I don't know where I'm going, all I know is that my survival instincts are kicking in. I saw Huggy looking at me, smiling creepily inside the vent shutters. I quickly crawl to the left and saw Huggy pop out of the vent and came crawling towards me with his freaky long arms trying to reach me. "FUCK!" I shrieked and went to the other way.

Tears started to form from my eyes, I didn't know where I was going as this vent was like an endless maze. The way he crawls and moves through the vents is fuxking terrifying.

While running for several minutes, I found and ran to the conveyor belt and it dragged me away from Huggy. I kept running and running, which eventually made my knees feel sore but the adrenaline helps me keep going despite the pain.

I ran to a dead end which looks like a door. "Shit!" I said and turn my head to see Huggy charging straight at me and grabbed my leg. "No! S-STOP LET ME GO!!" I screamed and kicked him in the head in fear.

I hear him screech in pain and he lets me go. I saw my leg has blood, I gritted my teeth and try to indure the pain. The door infront of me opened and I ran faster than before. I looked at the words at the walls saying; 'Don't, No, Danger, in red and blue letters. I didn't even care at this point, just as long as I'm away from Huggy then I'll be okay, just what exactly happened to him?! I've never seen him like this before.

I kept running and hopped on the conveyor belt, the conveyor belt was slow so I attempt jumping to go faster. I can hear Huggy wuggy's footsteps becoming closer. I yelped and slide down out of the conveyor belt. I felt dizzy from this crazy chase. I found myself being out of the vent and I slipped. "Ouch.."

I got myself up and hold my gear. I looked around and found myself high up in the factory. "There's no place to outrun him!" I said looking at the dead end.

I saw a huge box up at the rack ceiling. I frantically reach for it with my grab pack, I hear a loud thud coming from the vent. I accidentally slipped my grab pack. I panicked and lost my balance. I felt myself falling from the ledge and screamed.

"N-NOO!" I grabbed the ledge on time, I held on tightly for dear life. I look below me and saw I'm more than a ten story feet down. I tried to reach for my grab pack but I'm scared of falling. I heard the vent door busted open and saw Huggy Wuggy running but he stops when he looks at me. I closed my eyes, I don't know how much longer I can hold onto. This may be ridiculous but this is my desperate attempt at not dying.

"H-help me.. please!" I said, tears started streaming down my face.

Huggy looked at me for a few seconds. I saw his head smothered in blood. He looked around and saw a grab pack. I gestured Huggy to bring it to me, but he hesitated. His breathing calmed down and his eyes were not as wide as they were before. It seems as though he was contemplating whether to help me or not.

"I-I wanna live.." I begged and I began to feel my hands slipping off the ledge. I began to feel myself let go. "FUCK!" I screamed.

I closed my eyes and felt myself falling but the falling has stopped. I opened my eyes and looked down, I wasn't falling..

Huggy wuggy x readerWhere stories live. Discover now