The past

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art by me

2nd person Pov

Time passes as you and Huggy Wuggy talked and explore the factory together. Both of you were inside the innovation room, nothing of interest in there.

You also wanted to know why you came in the factory in the first place. "I can find that out later.." You muttered quietly.

"Did you say something Y/n?" Huggy questions, tilting his head.

"N-no! Well, actually....," You paused and looked at Huggy, who seems eager at your response.

"S-stop looking at me like that... You've gotta.. stop being so.. freaking..cute!" You said blushing, clenching your fist.

Huggy chuckles nervously. "I'm sorry sweetheart.. but being cute is my specialty." He said fixing his bow tie with a smug on his face.

You giggled and continued the conversation.

*time skip*

"So me and F/n have been friends for quite a long time.."

"You knew F/n before me?"

"Ah- No. I know you wayyy before F/n, but like, I never expected to see you like this again.. with you being.. able to talk.. it's so.. surreal.."

Huggy's smile turned into a confused one.

"W-which isn't a bad thing though, I've actually, really.. REALLY missed you Huggy, and I'm so glad.. that I didn't miss this opportunity to see you again after all these years.." You said, remembering the letter. You reach to hold Huggy's yellow paw.

Huggy's smile returned and held your small adorable hand. "I feel the same way too.."

You both hugged for a long time, when in reality it has only been a minute, you wanted to let go, which made Huggy wanting to hug you even tighter. Something inside you wanted to say something, you decided it's the time to confess your feelings for the mascot creature.

"Hey Huggy.. I love you.." You calmly admitted.

"I love you too.." His face came closer meeting yours and both of your lips pressed together.

A bit surprised, but you kissed him back, deepening the kiss. His long arms trailing down to your hands.

Your mind suddenly remembered something. You wanted to talk to Huggy about a quite serious topic, maybe he'll be able to talk to you about it openly since you two become close in such a short time.

You take a deep breath and sighed, looking at Huggy, smiling. Whenever your eyes met with Huggy's, you felt butterflies form in your stomach. It was such an odd but amazing feeling. Of course you didn't expect to fall in love with a mascot. I guess you could say he was built different.

"Hey Huggy... tell me more about yourself.. about what happened, I can't remember much, I'm curious and I wanna help."

Huggy nodded, sighing and looks up ahead.

"It all started when.."


~Ten years ago~

Y/n made her way to the office door and places her paper and A Huggy Wuggy plush in the desk.

She made contact with her presumed boss. As he is in the position at the head of Innovation at the Playtime Co. Toy Factory.

Huggy wuggy x readerWhere stories live. Discover now