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I wrote this back in January but I never got to finish it but now it's published after 4 months

Huggy's pov

I walked around the factory to kill time while waiting for Y/n and F/n to return. I know it may not seem long but it really did feel like it! I groaned and pressed my back against the wall. "Y/n... I need you...".

"Did you say something brother Huggy?"  I yelped and looked at my sister and crossed my arms, blushing.

"U-Um, nothing, I'm just hungry... haha!" I flashed a smile.

Kissy pursed her lips then smiles back at me. "Okay, um, I'll be right back... wait for me and look after the toys ok bro? See ya!" She says and storms off.

I raised my brow. "She seems a bit nervous or is it just me...?"

Candy cat looked up to me and meowed. Boogie bot shrugged and so did Bron. "Should you go after her?" Bron said.

"I'm sure she's fine, she's a big girl you know!" I said.

Y/n pov

"OK is this enough???" I asked.

"Hold on, I'm getting- oh!"

"What, what is it?" I said clearly annoyed.

"Don't you think this sour patch kids candy look alot like Huggy Wuggy?" F/n said chuckling and picking up a pack of sour patch kids.

"Hm, I guess you're right... it does look like him." I said amused.

"Let's buy it!"

Time skip

Me and F/n finish purchased and got inside the car. I looked to my left and saw F/n started munching on their treats.

"Really? I know you couldn't wait..."

"What? I'm starving!"

"That's okay, we have bought alot today, sooo.... now we're returning to the factory!"

I start up the engine and drove away.

Time skip

Finally arriving. I felt so relieved knowing I can see huggy again. Me and F/n stepped out of the vehicle and grabbed our bags full of sweets and snacks. I looked at the entrance door and stopped. F/n notices and steps closer.

"Huh? The door is sealed? That wasn't there before!" I said.

"That is oddly strange..." F/n said.

I put down the bags and try to open the door but it was no use, it really is stuck!
"Argh, did... did they lock us out...?"

"Why would you think that Y/n?"

"Then why would the door be locked? Certainly there's someone in there that doesn't want us to return... but who could that even be?!" I said with a frustrated tone.

"Surely there's gotta be another way in. Huggy needs you and you know it."

I sighed heavily. "Y-Yeah, let's go find it."

Huggy's pov

More than twenty minutes has passed and my sister hasn't returned. Just what is she up to? I picked myself off of the ground and walked through the halls. "Kissy? You there..? Hellooooo?"

I saw Kissy running back and panting, she looks like she's almost out of breath. "H-Hey Huggy!" She said.

"Kissy whats wrong? What are you in a hurry for?" I raised my voice a bit.

"H-Huh? I'm not in a hurry! I just went somewhere to think..." She looks down.

"Right..." I said not amused.

"Oh come on bro! I just needed some time alone, that's all..."

"Alright... I believe you." I chuckled. Kissy chuckles as well.

"I just have one question for you brother..."

"Okay, go ahead."

Kissy exhale and walked close to me. "Do you like Y/n more than your own sister...?" She spoke in a monotone voice.

What? That caught me completely off gaurd.

"Kissy, what are you saying?" I said backing away a bit.

"Be honest bro... you spent more time with her than me, and... that really upsets me. I missed you..." She said.

"Of course I like you, I love you sis! I'm so happy that you came back but... why are you telling me this???"

"You..." She paused and looks at the ground.

"You love her more though, and I missed you Huggy, I miss... us, can we go back like how it was?" She said with a very sad tone.

This girl...

What's gotten into her! Of course I love Y/n but I also love all of my friends and my sister! ...Did she do something with Y/n and F/n not coming back?

"What did you do... with Y/n and F/n? Don't hurt them, please... you know I loved Y/n, but you'll always be my dearest sister, Kissy."

Kissy sighs in defeat and cried onto my shoulder. "What kind of sister am I? Hurting my brother's feelings like that... that's no way to treat your siblings."

She looked up at me and forced a smile with visible tears. "Sorry Huggy, I don't know what went over me... the reason I ran away was so that I can lock the front door so that they won't be back... but now I felt horrible..."

I was shocked but I remained calm.

"W-We... should go back and open the door, we want them back, you agreed that we all would help to find that Poppy doll, right?"

Kissy nods her head, still embarrassed.

"Then... let's go."

Author's note

This chapter is really shorttt but if u guys have any more ideas for future chapters, drop them down on the comments! :)))

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