Minor conflict

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2nd Pov

Y/n and Huggy exit out of the toy room and start to head back with Kissy Missy and F/n, Y/n looked at her cat bee toy and smiled. "How come you never told me you were alive, t/n? I thought you were just an ordinary toy!"

T/n blinked, their eyes looked somewhat tired. "Nyehh... I didn't feel like wanting to."

Huggy hold candy cat and placed it on Y/n's shoulder. Candy cat started licking Y/n's face as if it was candy.

"Okok, that's enough-" Y/n chuckled.

"Meow, hey Huggyyyy, are we there yet?" Candy cat said in a whiny tone.

"Not yet, this place is still huge you know..." He smiles.

"Can't you fasterrr??"

"Hm? Oh, umm... okay!"

5 mins passed

Upon arriving with Kissy Missy and F/n, Huggy put Y/n down and waved at them.

"Hey sis, we're back!"

Kissy and F/n remained quiet, their eyes locked towards the hallway, which made Huggy and Y/n slightly confused.

"What're you guys looking at?" Y/n walked closer to see what they're looking at in the hall.

"A-ah! Just so I thought..." Y/n said.

"It's Bron and Boogie bot... they're alive." F/n stood up and looked at Y/n, who was holding a moving toy.

"Is that Cat bee?!" F/n exclaimed.

Y/n nodded. "Yeah, I named them T/n, aren't they cute? Almost all the toys are becoming alive so suddenly, it's crazy!"

Huggy showed Kissy Candy cat. "Here, you can carry it."

Kissy looked at Huggy then back at the toy. She smiled and picked it up from Huggy's hands. "Thanks, bro!" She said and looked back at the cat.

"Wow! It sure has been a while since I've last seen you!"

Kissy smiled and kissed the cat's head. "Meow."

Boogie bot looks infuriated and ran towards Y/n and spoke in its robot tone. "You! I know I've seen you before... you weren't being careful with the boxes, how dare you!"

Y/n looks down at the green robot and laughed nervously. "Whaaat? What do you mean? Oh, you mean... the boxes I accidentally threw with my grab pack..?"

"That ain't no accident, you did it intentionally. It's pretty annoying, all employees must handle each box with care." Boogie bot closed its eyes and crossed its arms.

Y/n put down her cat bee and looked at the robot. "Sheesh, k fine, I'll be more careful... by the way, we're on our way to find the Poppy doll, wanna join?"

"Poppy?!" He spoke a bit surprised.

"Poppy??!" Bron retorted.

"Oh hey, Bron! Didn't see you there hiding in the dark." Y/n walked towards Bron and saw him shaking like a leaf.

Kissy looks at Bron. "Is... he okay?" Kissy asked a bit worried.

"H-Huh?? Me? Okay? U-Um... it's just that, It feels weird hearing her name again...!" Bron stuttered nervously.

"You mean Poppy? What's the issue..?" F/n said, reaching down to Bron's level.

Bron looks away from F/n and looked down at the floor. "I... I had a weird dream, where I was all alone, and there was Poppy... I saw one of the scientists pull out her voice box and there was blood... real BLOOD!"

Huggy wuggy x readerWhere stories live. Discover now