Finding Huggy Wuggy

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2nd person Pov

You looked around to your surroundings and find no sight of Huggy wuggy anywhere. You slightly panicked but you knew that panicking will not benefit you in this situation.

So you went back to the pedestal thing where huggy wuggy has his name on it, you inspect it more and saw that there was a red button, you tapped on it and a song begin to play.

"His name is huggy, huggy wuggy when

he hugs you he'll never stop *laughter*

your friend huggy, huggy wuggy he'll

squeeze you until you pop!" *pop*

After hearing the last part of the song, shivers immediately ran down your spine. "Squeeze me until I pop? What do they mean by that??" You said a bit disgusted. The song was catchy but the last sentence caught you off gaurd. You never realized that when you were young. You shook that thought and continue your journey around this huge facility.

You scanned the blue hand print and another door opened, you sighed and took a step inside. There were two doors, you looked to your left and saw something that disturbed you. You a blue fluffy arm slid inside to the left door. "H-huh..?" You said, wondering if you saw that right.

'Was that Huggy wuggy just now?' You thought, you take closer steps and looked inside carefully.

It was pure darkness, you could barely see anything but you could see a small source of light in the end. Before going inside, you wanted to check the other door first from the right hallway.

You tried to open the door but it was no use, it was locked. To your left it said; stairway to hell. "Weird.." You quietly said.

You go back to the door where you assumed Huggy wuggy was at, you sighed and head inside.

*time skip in vent*

You crawled out of the vent and saw yourself being in a room. There's some stairs too. You explore further into the room and found another VHS tape, you picked it up and looked around for a TV.
You found the TV that was attached up to the ceiling, you used your blue grabber and slide the tape inside the TV. Another audio started to play.

"Rich, where are they keeping huggy boxes?"

"I don't know, I couldn't tell you, remember when maintenance lasted in a sweep of this place?"

You raised a brow, what are they talking about? something about Huggy wuggy's boxes? You intend on listening more with their conversation.


"Exactly, nobody in this stupid company knows what they're doing! Oh I swear I haven't seen a single box in this place since they started flooding the storehouse with orphanage junk!"


"It's a nice program with a lot of brands, it's just hard to be happy about it with manufacturings on our necks about it because we can't find stupid Huggy boxes Rich!"


"You're right.. You're right, it's.. it's for the orphans.."

'Hold on.. orphans?' You had a sudden flashback to where you wanted to apply for the orphanage this morning.

"..I just wish there were less boxes, anything less would be more even if is..-"

The audio cut at the end. You wanted to hear more but with so much little going on, you just wanted to find where Huggy wuggy is, and why this is happening.

You went upstairs and started walking to the bridge, you saw cute poster of Huggy wuggy, saying 'remember to take breaks!'

'I don't think I can catch a break right now.. I need to know what's going on in here and.. why do I always feel like there's someone watching me?' You said, thinking in your head.

You found something on the ground and saw what looked like an industrial battery. You picked it up and and insert the battery into one of the four sockets you saw right next to it. After that, you jumped down and land onto the boxes, you started slapping boxes away with your grab pack around you.

"This goddamm factory and its boxes.." You said pouting and muttering to yourself.

You looked around and saw many shelves being stacked with junk you don't even know of. You looked behind you and saw another sliding door, you opened it with the help of your grabpack. You looked to your left and saw another poster, it shows a different mascot character of a robot, saying, 'Handle with care.'

"Nope, I don't think I will!" You said and smack the poster just for funz.

You went into the other room and found two more batteries. "And now one more.." You said.

After exploring the room for a good three minutes, you finally found the last battery. You also wondered how the batteries are being scattered around here.

You went back up the stairs and insert all three batteries inside the sockets. You heard a loud sound. You looked at a big claw went to the farther end and picked something. It was a red hand! The claw slowly dropped it on the conveyor belt and you came down running and grabbed the red hand.

"Now my grab pack looks complete!" You said happily, gripping your gear.

You use both hands and scanned the blue and red handprints, after scanning, you released and the door opened. But it was no door, it was a vent and it sure looks dark inside. You sighed.

"Here goes nothing.." You quietly said and took a deep breath. You crouched beneath the vents, hoping nothing bad awaits you.

At least you hoped so..

Author's note

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ya'll some weirdos
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