Chapter 39 // Graduation

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Chapter 39 // Graduation

“Seniors make sure you get back to school by 4:30 for tonight. Thank you and have a nice day.” The student council president said through the speakers.  The bell rang right after, letting everyone leave. Today was a half a day because of our graduation. After going to my locker, I went to the parking lot to meet up with Luke.

“Hey sweetheart.” He greeted me with a kiss on the cheek. “Are you ready for graduation?”

“I’m excited but nervous at the same time.” I said as we got into his car.

“Me too.” He smiled. We buckled ourselves in and started driving home.

Once we reached our street, Luke turned to me and asked, “Do you want me to pick you up so we can drive to school?”

“Yeah that’d be great.” I replied, getting out of the car once he parked. “I’ll text you later then.” He said. I nodded as I got my things. I gave hi a quick peck and walked to my house. “Hello? Is anyone home?” I yelled out, once inside. “Hey sweetie how was school?” My mom came down the stairs.

“Good. How was work?”

“I didn’t go. I decided to stay home instead of leaving early.” She replied. “After the ceremony, Melanie and I planned to take you guys out to dinner.”

“I’m going to go get ready.” I went upstairs to my room and procrastinated a little right before I actually got ready.


“Dani! Luke’s here!” I heard my mom yell out. I grabbed my cap and gown from my bed. I looked at myself one last time before heading downstairs. “See you later mom.” I closed the door and walked outside to Luke’s car.

“Hey.” I said, kissing him on the cheek. “Hey, you look great.”

“You look great too. I love this button down on you.” I replied. Luke thanked me the started to drive to school.

Once we arrived, we met up with Violet and the guys. “You look great!” She exclaimed. “You too! You guys look great too.”

“Thanks.” They all said in unison. We walked into school and went to our designated classrooms. The girls were in one while the boys were in another. After Vi and I sat down at a table, she asked, “So, what’s happening with you and Luke?”

“Nothing really, I don’t know what I’m going to do though.”

“About what?”

“For college, I have no idea if he’s going away or if he’s going to college. And I know long distant relationships don’t workout great.”

“So what are you saying?”

“I think I might have to break up with Luke.”

“Aw D, no. You can’t you guys are so great together.”
“But like I said, I know long-distant relationships don’t work out.”

“Maybe your relationship is something special and will work out.”

“I don’t know, Vi.”

An hour passed while our classmates poured into the classrooms. Once everyone was here, we started lining up. “Remember to smile and stay standing until they tell you to sit down.” Mrs. Reynolds told us. We walked into the hallway before the field. We all lined up side by side with the boys. I looked for Luke who was a couple of classmates in front of me. We heard the music starting to play.


“Luke Hemmings.” Our principal said through the mic. Luke walked towards the podium, shook our vice principal’s hand and took his diploma. I looked to the bleachers and saw Melanie, Luke’s dad, and clapping. “Please save the applause once the first side is done. Thank you.” The principal said, causing Melanie to giggle. “Calum Hood.” Calum’s mom and sister were taking pictures.  After a whole bunch of other names, the principal announced, “The boys side is done. You may all clap now.” The crowd started cheering and applauding. “Let’s start with the girls’ side. June Alferi.” A couple of names later, I heard, “Violet Barrington.” I clapped in my seat, as did Ash. She did a little happy dance after getting her diploma. My row started stand up after the row before us sat down. After the two girls in front of me got called up, it was my turn. “Daniela Gray.” I heard claps and whooping come from the boys’ section. Turns out Luke, Cal, Ash, and Mike were cheering for me. I walked up to the podium; shook the vice principal’s hand and got my diploma. I waved to my mom up at the crowd. I walked back into my row and waited for everyone to get back to sit down. More names were called out before the principal announced the girls’ side was done. The crowd applauded. “You may now move your tassels.” The principal said. We moved our tassels to the left of our caps. “Ladies and gentlemen, may I present to you. The class of 2015.” The crowd started to applaud while everyone tossed their caps into the air.

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